Title: As Human as to Breathe (2/2)
Author: Hijja
Characters/Pairing: Dumbledore/Grindelwald, with more than a touch of gen
Rating: PG-13
Warnings (highlight to view): may look like AU, a bit of blood
Summary: Step into a world where Ariana Dumbledore lived...
Length: ~ 15 000 words
Author's Notes: Written for
jtav over at
ownficfest and inspired in part
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I loved the beginning, with Albus and Gellert, and Ariana not dying. And then as they went on, the living in Prague and the ploitcal intrigue It was all so brilliant. And there were those little details, like how the statuary of Prague was used for magical defense, and the woman Le Strange (and the transfiguration of her arms into snakes was beyond amazing and so creepy!).
I was so happy with the alternate reality. It reminded me of A Single Love, but the it wasn't true, and I swear I almost cried. At first I was thinking, why is Harry there, and then I realized. Oh, how beautiful and stunning this was. It has just catapulted itself to the top of my recs list.
I am so intrigued and struck by the idea that Dumbledore's 'twinkling eyes' may have actually been tear-filled, now. Amazing, truly.
And I'm really sorry for not friending you back for ages! I was absolutely sure I had, but today realised I hadn't, either on LJ or IJ... Bad Hijja!
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