A Parcel of FIC RECS

Sep 27, 2009 04:16

Here's a handful of recs I've been sitting on for quite some time...

Malefesto, Destroyer of Worlds by alyxbradford [Marauders, gen, PG]
Summary: In his fourth year, Sirius sends away for a mail-order pet, and gets a lot more than he bargained for. Hilarity ensues.
Hilarity describes it well. It's wonderful, tongue-in-cheek Marauderfic with beautiful characterisation all round, shiny writing, and a plot that manages to pull off crack and canon in a perfect mix.

Said The Irresistible Force To The Immovable Object by lavillanueva [Harry/Scorpius, NC-17]
Summary: Meet Scorpius Malfoy: sixteen, blond, blue-eyed, and the bane of Harry Potter's entire existence.
Seductionfic at its best - Scorpius is like an inventive force of nature, and poor Harry really doesn't stand much of a chance. Although he tries :). Adorably cute and very funny.

Memoria in Aeterna by potteresque_ire [Draco/Albus Severus, NC-17, 4 parts]
Summary: At age fifteen, an incendiary political debate had made Albus Potter the victim of a hideous crime. Three years later, he was living a life of drugs and promiscuity in the rookery at Knockturn, the newly established Preservation District for the pure-blood families of Wizarding Britain.
Y'know, that thrill you get when you read something that's taking a really innovative, different look at the wizarding world? Mix in absolutely superb style and imagery? This fic has all of it. The most unique thing I've seen in ages, with an emotional impact that left me reeling.

The Unicorn Incident by who_la_hoop [Scorpius/Albus, NC-17, 2 parts]
Summary: Growing up is hard to do, especially in the shadow of your father’s reputation. Scorpius Malfoy has a tough time keeping his resolution to be the best Slytherin he can be when schoolboy games, unicorns, incompetent friends and a beloved enemy all conspire to teach him something different - and rather wonderful - about himself.
who_la_hoop is doing some of the most brilliant Potter/Malfoy slash around, with a perfect mix of humour, vivid characterisation and scorching hotness. Meet Albus Potter, reluctant Slytherin, and Scorpius Malfoy, who just can't stop obsessing about him...

And finally, my subjective favourite - well, there's no rule saying that recs have to be HP recs, right?

The Via Lata Diaries by liriaen [Lucifer/Jeshua, PG-13 to hard R, chaptered]
Summary: At the end of time, there's a prize to be to won, a price to be paid, and one or three lessons to be learnt.
Semi-apocalyptical present-day bible slash with some of the finest writing you'll find. Yes, the subject matter may creep me out on one level, but this series is the most twisted and beautiful thing ever, and it keeps me pouncing on every new chapter like Teh Cat after a piece of string. I have the pleasure of having a lot of amazing writers on my flist, but if I had to pick one I'd want to see published, it's liriaen - for originality and style and cutting amazingly deep in that remarkably sparse way of hers...

harry potter, fic recs

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