Triatha_Ron Recs, Part 3

Mar 24, 2007 22:08

Here's the last batch of Ron-recs, not that I didn't enjoy many, many others on the comm. I'm still mindblown over having had the chance to read so much wonderful Ron-fic over the last month :). Once more, kudos galore to the triatha_ron Mods!

And now I'll return to my hidey-hole and try to cure my cold ;).

What We Share... by slinkiestumble [Team Gen, Prompt: Family; Ron, Weasleys, PG]
Summary: Ron has the dragon pox.
A look at her youngest son and his relationship with his siblings through Molly's eyes. A great concept, and also an extremely realistic look at the the efforts - and bonuses - of bringing up the Weasley children.

Steady ( Part 1 and Part 2) by arsenicjade [Team: Slash, Prompt: Friendship; Ron/Victor/Draco, NC-17]
Summary: Ron's a Quidditch player. Viktor's the head of the Subcommittee for International Quidditch Standards. Draco is his filing clerk. You do the math.
This is anything but only a smutty threesome, but a very careful and amazing look at the very complex relationships that bind those three characters together. One of those *really* enjoyable, long and plotty slashfics with careful attention to characterisation.

A Routine Comfort by mamalaz [Team: Slash, Prompt: Loss, Ron/Draco, R to NC-17]
Summary: A lot of things changed in the war but, every week, Ron had this to look forward to
I love stories that manage to punch me in the stomach and have an emotional impact that leaves me cringing. If it thoroughly shakes me up, it's really good writing. This did, in a very quiet, painful way. Wow.

Eighteen Hours, Four Tasks, and A Kilt by abigail89 [Team Slash, Prompt: Time; Ron/Oliver, NC-17]
Summary: As Harry & Hermione wed, best man Ron Weasley has four important tasks to complete. However, a new relationship commands all his brain cells and energy. Oh dear.
This is just plain fun - a great, breathless, sexy and hilarious romp of a fic, with a wonderful Ron and almost slapstick comedy in writing.

How to Lose Your Mind in Ten Weeks by solstice_fics [Team: Het, Promp: Loss; Ron/Bellatrix, R]
Summary: Ron was captured and given to Bellatrix Lestrange to play with. Over the next ten weeks she set about reprogramming his mind and enjoying his body. Is he the one who's really losing it though?
I could say 'look at pairing and warnings before you read this', and you'd *still* get the wrong impression about why this almost squicked me :). Just take *nothing* for granted while reading this, and savour the brilliant ending :).

harry potter, fic recs

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