May 04, 2009 03:22
I ran off to a Starbucks
at 3 ante meridiem
to acquire myself some kawfee
For nocturnal evil schemes
I ordered many shots
in a drink with normally two
I said I wanted it quite big
The biggest that they do.
"We'll fix you up a vente"
(which is 'big' in Starbuckese)
"But since you only have a card"
"Your drink will be on me."
I nearly keeled right over
From the overwhelming YAY
Free vente capps at 3am?
It totally made my day
The registers were broken
or robbed or some such deal
I didn't really care
since my kawfee was a steal
I ventured home delighted
sipping at my awesome prize
but here's the part where things go bad
(feel free to advert eyes)
I'm not quite sure what happened,
I guess the planets that aligned
to bring my kawfee free of charge
must have changed their mind
for at that very moment
as I blissfully strolled on
my kawfee FLEW out of my hand
and fell in slow-motion
I watched in horror as it dropped
and neared it's fate ahead
it landed right on my poor dog
exploding on her head
Now I have no more kawfee
And my dog is sad and wet
To free kawfees that you get