latest news of Yamapi

Sep 06, 2009 09:56


午前中に医師の診察を受けて48時間以上平熱だったことを確認。9月1日にインフルエンザA型と診断されて以来の現場に山下は、スタッフらを前に「ご心配 をおかけしました。体調は万全に戻りました」と笑顔で報告。「最終回に向けて突っ走っていきたい」と元気そうに宣言し、さっそく撮影に戻った。



Yamapi, recovered from influenza! Back to filming of drama

NEWS’ Yamashita Tomohisa (24), who had been resting at home due to influenza, went back to the filming of Fuji TV “Buzzer Beat~Gakeppuchi no Hero~” (Mon 9pm) in the afternoon of the 5th.

In the morning, doctor had certified that it had been after 48 hours that his fever had subsided. At the filming location, in front of the staff crew, he smiled and said, “Sorry to make all of you worry, I’m fully-recovered. The drama is coming to an end, please continue to support us.”

From Fuji TV, as filming has been resumed, the 9th Episode that’s going to be shown on the 7th would be as usual, no changes to the storyline.

YAY for Pi!
i really happy see this news..^^


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