Mar 04, 2009 01:24
Are we still scared of the communists? Is socialism still synonymous with frightening?
I guess now that Obama is president, I get to put up with four years of how democrats and Obama are ruining the country. I just saw someone try to blame financial deregulation on Bill freaking Clinton. Bill. Clinton. A president who had what could rightfully be referred to as an "opposition congress".
We favor informational blips over real analysis. Boiled down absolutes instead of truth. I guess this is just natural, but jesus it's frustrating. In twenty years, am I going to be reading people saying how the war in Iraq was Obama's fault?
I read someone talking about "moral guidance" in politics. Let me set something straight: I'm a registered democrat, but I'm hardly party faithful. So I don't think democrats have all the answers, and certainly Pelosi has pissed me off at least once. But Cheney and Bush were hardly "moral" rulers. Would moral men torture people? Would moral, educated men torture people? Jesus fucking christ on the cross, how dare anyone throw the word "moral" into politics, as if morality was based purely on political affiliation.
Tell you what, America: grow the goddamn pair of balls you seem to think you have. People die in the world, often by unjust means. And that sucks. That really sucks. But let's stop pretending that we have the right to kill hundreds of thousands of people when some of ours die. Okay?
More white noise. The larger the reach of communication, the more white noise rushes in to fill it. And I'm becoming increasingly convinced that we are all being subjected to nothing more than white noise. Twitter, facebook, youtube, txt messages, etc: all white noise. I know that 50, 60 years ago, people thought rock and roll was going to destroy society, and that it of course never happened. Society merely adapted, and we're doing the same now. It's just frustrating because the tendency to misrepresent seems to be ingrained into the human mind. There will always be a certain amount of information sent around that is completely and utterly wrong. I imagine that if one had everything ever said or written before them, they would find this to be true. We should just teach this in schools: x percent of everything you will ever read, hear, or see, is a lie. We'd save a lot of time that way.
We're still worried about political talking points from 60 years ago? Really? I don't think we really are. But it would be nice if people would stop bandying about the word socialist, as if they knew what it actually meant, or if it was some sort of actual looming threat or some such thing.
I thought I would feel better after the election, and I did, and this has nothing to do with policies being enacted, but more to do with reactions about them. I guess it's been a long lesson in coming, but people are so goddamned daft.
How can people receive an education and still be stupid? HOW? How do people graduate from college and then say they didn't learn anything? Oh, wait. Because you're a moron. That's why.