New Layout and general ramblings.

Mar 26, 2006 00:28

Hurrah for a new layout! As may be obvious for any who look, I'm on something of an EVER 17 kick. Yeah, still. The layout itself isn't much different, but the colors and background got a complete overhaul. I also have all new LJ icons (save for the good ol' "someone will die" icon). This EVER 17 one is probably my favorite, but I also was proud of my Kana icon. The others were admittedly more simple, but at least they're a change.

Speaking of change, my days with Dominos are over. My last day was two Fridays back. It was kind of sad to leave, I admit. I really do like a lot of the people there, and I think a number of them were pretty fond of me as well. I don't miss the redundant work, but I do miss the income (however slight) and the people. I've dropped by twice, but I've only managed to see three people during those times. I miss a number of others, but I can't really invade the place during the rush hours. I'll see everyone pretty soon though, I hope. =/ I grew pretty attached to some of those good people. Oh, it's also worth mentioning that I should be starting college again on Wednesday. I register and pay for classes on Monday (missed early registration due to work), and should begin classes on Wednesday provided all goes well. Late registration seems a bit weird though, so I'm hoping that there's no complications. But what will come will come, right?

I'm suffering from RP deprivation. For seriously. With my only RP partner nowadays out of commision due to connection issues for the time being, the net seems so...bland lately. Granted, I've been keeping occupied to an extent looking for things having to do with EVER 17, watching the GDC event recently, and posting on some boards I frequent, but nothing's got the same flare. And trying to find another good RP partner...well, it's akin to stabbing yourself repeatedly in the neck with a really sharp pencil. It's quite unpleasant and you'd be really hard-pressed to find an upside to it. Further, sitting on your hands and waiting doesn't seem so bad when you compare it to sitting there with a hundred pencil wounds in your neck, so I guess the lesson here is that I need to learn some patience. Too bad I've always been bad with patience.

In the realm of bishoujo gaming, Hirameki is soon to release their next title, Animamundi. Animamundi, however, is looking more and more like a girl's game. The pairings seem heavy on yaoi implications, which doesn't really tickle my fancy. Sadly, the game sounds quite cool in terms of dark, gothic story. So I'm a bit torn on it for the time being. I'll probably wait until it is released in May to hear some player impressions before I bother thinking of picking it up. The next title in Hirameki's lineup which is entitled "Piece of Wonder" sounds quite interesting. It is a bishoujo game with strategy RPG elements tied in. The battle system is a legit strategy RPG affair too (not like Ishika & Honori's joke of a battle system), so it should have some nice replay value to it. Of course, this is just based off of some screenshots and a quick movie. I probably won't know much more until I inevitably plop down the dough and pick this one up. However, it's release date is TBA, so I don't expect to be picking it up until at least July or August. There are some upcoming releases from the companies under J-list's banner as well, but none of them interest me. Every single one of them looks like some sort of shallow sex-romp, so those are well off my radar.

In the realm of console gaming, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion was recently released for both the Xbox 360 and PC, and it looks absolutely spectacular. I don't have 400 that I can simply throw around on an Xbox 360, however, so for now I'll have to be content to just look and drool. Buying new stuff usually works more smoothly when you have some income. I'm re-learning this lesson at present. In something that was really interesting to me, the Revolution, in addition to carrying a large library of Nintendo and Super Nintendo games, it will also carry a library of 1,000 Genesis games and an unnamed number of Turbografix games. Freaking sweet. Bonk's Revenge once again on my Revolution? I say hell yes. The DS is also getting a new Zelda, but it looks like it has more sailing as in the Windwaker, so when I saw that I was immediately turned off. Sailing was so...boring. That's all I have to say about that. On an up note for the DS, there is also a new 2D Mario Bros. being developed for the system that was being shown off at GDC. Now that game looks awesome. I'm completely stoaked to see a new 2D Mario, and I'm pretty sure that the sales of the game will reflect the love for Nintendo's classic fat plumber in 2D form. Oh, and the PS3 will come with a harddrive...but I haven't heard one thing that makes me want a PS3 yet, so whatever. Get Square to tell me that you're coming out with that long-teased FFVII remake and I'll jump ship without a float.

Of course, not having a steady income hasn't stopped me from carelessly spending money here and there. I'm a money-wasting American, god dammit! Just after quitting I was browsing around EBgames and noticed that they had a whole freaking lot of used games. As it's incredibly easy to convince yourself when you want something, I thought "hey, I deserve one last big splurge." And man, I got down to business. I believe that I bought 8 games, most of which were used. Among them: Sonic Gems Collection, Mega Man X Collection, Devil May Cry 3, Metal Gear Solid 3, Meteos, Trace Memory, Sonic Rush, and X-Men: Rise of the Apocalypse. Oh, and I bought Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Trauma Center: Under the Knife a few days later at Fry's Electronics since they're quite rare and I didn't know if I'd see them again. So yeah. I have...a lot of new games. oO() Which ones rock? Which ones suck? I haven't played enough of many of them, but I can say that Meteos, Sonic Gems Collection, Mega Man X Collection, Phoenix Wright, and Trauma Center all kick sufficent amounts of ass. Amusingly, the DS games Meteos, Phoenix Wright, and Trauma Center have almost completely monopolized my gaming attention lately. They're all addicting like nobody's business and are each must-have games if you have a DS. Sonic Gems Collection is worth it just for Sonic CD ('cause's Sonic CD!) and Mega Man X Collection is worth it to me just for having Mega Man X and X4 on one disc.

That all having been said, even with all those new toys, EVER 17 has still drawn me back to it many times lately, and it's still the game that I'm most hooked on at present. The story's just so well done that I keep coming back. I can only hope that with Hirameki soon to release a new schedule of releases for late this year and early next year, there will be some other titles that are the calibur of EVER 17 on it. Perhaps the prequel, NEVER 7? Or the sequel, REMEMBER 11? I'd love to see the rest of the infinity series released here. Or, like any other bishoujo game fan here, I'd love to see one of Key's titles particular Air. The anime is absolutely enthralling. If you ever get a chance to see it, don't pass it up. It's powerful. I'd love to see the original bishoujo game that spawned the series translated. But of course, time will tell.

Well, I'd say that I've rambled quite enough, wouldn't you? I just felt that I hadn't posted in awhile and I felt the need to ramble about my life and my gaming insanity. Until next time!

ever 17, anime, video games, roleplaying, rambling, work, school, bishoujo games

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