Dec 04, 2003 01:33
OH THIS WEEK IS SO STRESSFUL!!!! SDLHGIS;AO! ... girrrrr.... *sigh* We have so much going on this week! I rreally wish our school would let us know at LEAST two weeks beore the Winter Magic Dance! But NoooooOOOOooooooo!!!!! THEY HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL THE WEEK BEFORE!!!! MONdaY! let's see... Oh we went back to school. Mrs. McCartney wasn't there... That was ok, me an' Angel PLayed "Fargle" a 5-dice game, dealing with 1's, 5's & 3-of-a-kind. then after school, Matt & I left a note to my mom telling her that we'd gone to Sylacauga High (by way of matt's dad) to find Brandon to go to Goody's to Find a tux for the dance. We did & actually found 3 that would go with my dress. ONe with a mandarine (spelling?) collar, and a long tux.. I kan't remember the third one... but there was one...anyway! we picked the long one (it comes down to his knees, it's purdeh) then Brandon had to take matt home... and we stayed there for a few minutes, long enough for matt & me to change & brandon to call his mom & arrange a meeting to get the tux. Thank GOD Harold was the one to meet us at goody's!(matt didn't go) His mom would've probably had spiz-fit because it was a long tux & not a traditional one... oh and brandon gotted new blaque socks & leather gloves to match his jacket.... (he calls them Biker gloves *laughs*) then we went back to my house... oh I was humiliated in goody's by wearing bright purple, sparkly stockings (which were matt's left over from halloween) and a borrowed red-plaid Hot Topic Skirt & a white shirt with d-rings & straps on the sleeves.... I felt rediculous.. also I wore amanda's shoes which are two sizes to big (half-laughs)It was that or wear what I'd been wearing all day.... it's a uniform thing, you wouldn't understand unless you've been there... then we wents back to my house. I went and changed into a pair of black opaque tights (almost the only kind I wear, unless it's fishnets) & some of my chunky brown shoes that I haven't worn in I-don't-know-how-long.... I felt soo much better! then let's see.... Then we went to go get Lori.... Lori played Sarabe in Sylacauga's production of "The Lion King" In which Brandon was Mufasa and Matt was Rafiki in the First Performance (he stole the show) *laughs* Lori had a gift for my mom & I, for my mom painting her face & for me doing her hair to look like ears. she didn't have any lion ears, so I put her hair up in Chun Li buns. it worked really well. Anyway.. yeah we played Amplitude for a while ( brandon & I) then Lori informed us that she had never seen L.O.T.R. The Two Towers. I have it, so we put it in my PS2 & start watching it. we get about half-way through it & Lori has to go home, brandon has to be home by 9. So I just let Lori take it home & watch it. wait.... the whole Lori thing was SUNdaY... my bad.... OK TUESdaY... Brandon came over right after he got out of school, and I went in the house, put on the plaid skirt, a pair of navy tights & a black shirt with a ruffle thing around the collar ( don't worry, it looked nothing like muffiny), my *)NEW(*Emily Strange kitty hoodie & Chasity's big 5-in. shoes & went all the way to Pell City to get a Coat for my dress for the winter Magic Dance. My other one was eaten by moths.... joy... I found a really pretty wool grey one with a grey rabbit-fur collar.(sorry animal rights activists.. I feel really bad for the bunnies.. but their sacrifices won't be in vain!!) And I found a brown furry coat! It's vintage! it's not real fur! so yay there! you can even machine-wash it. (dang it's cold in here...) that took until dark... we got home.. then I tried on the new plaid skirt I got (it comes almost to my knees) and the navy skirt I got for school (three inches above the knee) & then brandon had to go home... after discovering that he & my mom had been to a camp place that was pretty... I can't remember it but it was something like Camp Saratoga?¿ (sumatunga???) I don't remember... I'm so tired... OH! And MONdaY My third period teacher assigned us a project that will be due on FRIdaY!!! today I had Church & Christina had to come over & experiment with my hair for Saturday. THURSdaY.. I have to stay at school until I get my project done. Brandon will be there so It's ok.... the last time I did a project on Power point, I stayed until 11:00 p.m.(CST)my mom's a teacher, so It's ok. I was just there from 7:30-11. we also have to take my coat to the cleaners tomorrow. and get new snaps on it & sow down part of the fur (it sticks up funny) then FRIdaY it's day before the dance, let's hope nothing goes wrong & show your project day! Oh an James & I have to make our own cookies without the rest of our group in third period. I guess it's because we don't do anyhthing except wash dishes, & that's only if we're told.... also i've been going to bed late all this week. and I'm getting exhaisted, I can't get too much more tired or I become emotionally unstable.... I don't want to start crying for a some little reason except out of frustration & exhaustion. Those aren't very good reasons for ME to cry in my opinion. Then there's The StarDust dance next week For Sylacauga where I get to go mingle with a lot of people I don't even know (oh yeah.. the reclusive social butterfly!)& have had nothing to do with just because they go to Sylacauga... and I go to Comer... I never had anything to do with Sylacauga people before Brandon. I've gotten over that little phobia or ego thing or what ever little kink it was for the most part. anyways... It's late as I type & I've griped enough & need to go to bed.... Hopefully next week will be more restfull... oh yeah NAD I HAVE TO GET MY GATLENBURG TRIP PAPER NOTERIZED!! MOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!..... bed now.... I getting more depressed... G'night all.
hey look... a munkey.... (3: