OKAY! Remember I mentioned exciting news? Here we go!!
My dearest fiancee
elae and writer Michael Jasper are finalists in this month's
Zuda, DC comic's online contest. Please, please go and vote for Maps and legends.
Instructions are illustrated
here, and here's a more detailed description:
1. Register on ZudaComics.com / Registriere Dich auf ZudaComics.com
2. Verify the account via your email. / Verifiziere Deinen Account per Email (wird automatisch an Dich gesendet).
3. Sign into ZudaComics.com and select "IN MAPS & LEGENDS" / Logge Dich auf ZudaComics.com ein und waehle "IN MAPS & LEGENDS:
4. Read the comic! :) / Lies den Comic! :)
5. To the right of the comic, please press the VOTE button, rate the
comic five stars and 'add as favorite.' The vote is by far the most
important of these three things. (You can also add a nice comment if
you’d like.) / Rechts neben dem Comic klick bitte den VOTE-Knopf, waehle 5 Sterne und "add as favorite". Am wichtigsten von diesen drei Dingen ist das Abstimmen (VOTE). (Wenn Du moechtest kannst Du auch einen netten Kommentar hinterlassen.)
6. Have your family members and friends do the same before the end of November. / Bitte so viele Freunde und Verwandte wie moeglich das Gleiche zu tun bevor der November endet.
Hugs and kisses for each and every vote!! :)