Jan 19, 2006 15:57
haha thanks everyone who responded last time.... you guys are supa-kewl!!!
Today so far has been pretty good, despite one minor setback during work. (I knew it was coming, Ive felt it for awhile now, but nooooo, I forget to expect it! haha good thing I was prepared...)
After work I hightailed it to kirkhof to get some drugs, then I FINALLY bought my meal card! Ah its about time, I know. For once I had the time and money. Anyways, I am looking forward to saving my debit dollars and not running out! (I have to stay within a $10 per week maximum.)
So my uncle in Seattle is pretty famous in the science world...not only is he a professor at the University of Washington, but "Dr. Brownlee is currently a principal investigator for the STARDUST Discovery mission, that that will collect comet samples and return them to Earth." The satellite just came back 2 days ago.
Anyways, the point is (Ashley and Katie) that they DID bring a rock back!! hahahahahahaha ;)
Aahhh....yeah. So I guess that is it. Yup.