"He's my best friend, and who wouldn't love kissing their best friend" - Ashlee Simpson

Jul 17, 2004 13:01

I officially want to be Ashlee Simpson.

I dyed my hair... though sadly, it looks much like it did before. Only because I couldn't dye it drastically due to parental reasons ::cough::mymotherisincrediblydullandhorrible::cough:: and doesn't approve of changing hair color at the young innocent age of 17. too bad she's too oblivious to notice :)

last night @ Zack's was fun... he gets fun movie channels.
his shower has two shower heads. *lightbulb!*

tonight will be amazing :) <3 I love you. WHIP CREAM FIGHT is planned.. though he doesn't know that yet.

I leave Monday morining and I'm sort of dreading it.. if Kath wasn't there I think I'd die. lol. hopefully it won't be torture.. but it just makes me feel like school is starting super soon!

Hurray for AP scores! Oh wait... no...
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