Oct 09, 2006 16:49
today feels kind of like summer. the end of summer. ive been sitting outside doing my homework this afternoon cause its so nice out, and it just feels like those final days of summer when im scrounging out my last projects haha. but really, i needed a little taste of summer again. maybe its my dad cooking steak tips (a summer thing) that makes me nostalgic. or maybe i spent an amazing carefree weekend with my wonderful boyfriend. the summer was always carefree and amazing. well, there were some anxious moments this weekend. but everything is okay. everything is always okay with him : )i love myself in the summer. not that i dont love myself in the winter spring and fall, but everyone has that season they just cant get enough of, you know? even mike and i both agreed the other night that im way less stressed out and more calm and chill about stuff in the summer. i need to always be like that. "don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive." its pretty true in most respects, not all, but most. i could sit here and tell you what im not gonna worry about anymore, or i could just not worry. plan B sounds best.