kludged "soup"

Jan 16, 2022 14:14

So, I've had this package of Bob's Red Mill Whole Grains and Beans Soup Mix for some time (it was in a food box).

I finally decided to use it. I looked at the basic instructions (not the fancier recipes). It was pretty simple, take 4 cups of stock (I used chicken vegetable, also left over from a food box) , a cup of the soup mix, and whatever meat of veggies.

I had some chicken legs (drumstick & thigh as one unit) in the freezer. So I tossed them in the crockpot and cooked them.

When they were done, I pulled two out and put them in a container in the fridge. I took the remaining one, and use a fork to strip the meat of the bones. Tossed the bones and left the meat in the crockpot along with the liquid that had cooked out of the chicken.

Then I added the soup stock and soup mix. Cooked for a few hours on high. Then I took a sample, kinda bland and the beans and grains were still a little chewy. Also not quite as hot as I though it should be. And a bit thin too. So I added another cup of the soup mix and cooked for a few more houras.

This time it was definitely simmering, and stuff was properly cooked. still a bit bland. And *way* thicker. More of a stew than a soup.

Served some up stirred in some seasoning, and it was great. I've got enough for several more bowls, and I'll probably try it again to use up the rest of the soup mix.

Probably won't buy the mix, but it's given me some idea for all the lentils, oat groats, rice and other stuff that's built up from the food boxes.

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