magic rules

Sep 28, 2021 15:58

I've read a number of "magical academy" stories, and my brain wandered off on an odd tangent. Something reminded me of skyclad... and then my brain veered off to the magical academy stories.

So I had the thought of the potential mess if being skyclad was required for magic *and* you had teenagers learning it in a mixed gender school. Oy.

But *that* lead to an evil interesting idea. Instead of a school, use the concept in an FRPG or just a fantasy storuy.

So, to cast spells, enchant items, etc you have to be skyclad. Casting a spell with a duration on someone does not require *them* to be skyclad, nor is it required to use magic items.

Ok, this makes magic users even *more* vulnerable in battle than in classic D&D. If it applies to clerics, they get pretty vulnerable as well.

It'd make many magic items a lot more valuable. For example rings of protection. And magic scrolls (you could cast from the scroll while clothed).

I can see the mages wearing sandals and a satchel. The sandals to protect their feet while able to be quickly kicked off (if they count against being skyclad). and the satchel to carry gear while being able to both quickly access items and quickly drop it so they can cast.

Obviously not a game you want to play with sophmoric types, nor stories for children unless carefully written. But they could be fun.

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games, silly

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