Getting things done

Jun 24, 2021 14:47

Finally made a bank run and Winco trip.

It's been many months since I last hit Winco, and too long since I hit the bank.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I was up at 5 am and checked and found that the Winco at Gateway was open that early. And there was a branch of my bank between the MAX station and the Winco.

So I got my stuff together and left at 5:30. As I was leaving the building, I saw signs of life in Apt 1. I heard a noise, and saw that a fan was being taken out of the window and the window closed. So I guess She Who Shall Remain Nameless is still there.

Caught the 71 and transferred to the MAX at 60th. After getting off the MAX. There was the long walk past the Fred Meyer and to the bank. I *finally* deposited some checks (refunds from when my expanded coverage kicked in).

Bought too much at Winco, even though it was all stuff I needed. some staples (for me, anyway) , salads, salad and sandwich makimngs to get me thru the upcoming heat wave. Also lots of Powerade Zero.

That should get me thru the heatwave that starts tomorrow.

Got home around 9. Took a while to get the stuff that needed the fridge put away. Had a fair bit to drink (I'd been sweating like a pig the whole trip) a few bites to eat and crashed.

Oh yeah, the upcoming heat wave:

7 day forecast
Fri 95
Sat 103
Sun 109
Mon 100
Tue 93
Wed 91

10 day forecast
Fri 91
Sat 104
Sun 110
Mon 104
Tue 95
Wed 92
Thu 93
Fri 92
Sat 92

This is *better* than a few days ago when one of them had us hitting 116!

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