gaming silliness

Mar 11, 2021 09:07

This is what happens when my brain free associates.

I have to present this more or less in order for full impact.

First, we've all heard of pink slime (yuck) the stuck they make out of ;eftover bits of alleged meat.

Second, D&D has a monster called green slime.

Third, most gaming depictions of orcs make them green.

So... Is green slime what left over after a evil mage/cleric is done harvesting the "useful" parts of orcs?

Another unrelated set of thoughts was triggered by one of those "player in VR game suddenly winds up in another world" stories.

In this case one her her first, "this isn't a game anymore" moments was when she needed to pee.,.. bodily functions not being something that games worry about much.

That got me wondering what rules for that sort of thing would look like.,

Then I realized that would open a can of worms most players would want no part of given the number of evil GMs out there. Just think of the monsters and traps that might be triggered by urination or defecation!

Cindiru fish might seem trivial in comparision

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games, silly

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