Finally turned the heat on...

Feb 12, 2021 09:36

... and took the fan out of the bedroom window and the air conditioner adapter out of the living room window.

Y'see it snowed yesterday and last night (when I turned on the heat it was 27F outside. Inside had dropped to mid 50s in the bedroom (only used for storage) and to 66 in the living room. Brrr.

Still snow on the ground today and it is supposed to snow on and off thru the day. Not much of an accumulation (you can still still bits of grass on the lawns. But since the first snowfall was while it was still warm enough for the snow to melt when it hit the ground, there's ice under all that snow.

I also decide to order Chinese food delivered. Paid too much, but I wasn'ty walking over to the grocery store in that.

I'll have to go today or tomorrow, but I've leftovers and stuff to keep me going.

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