food box fun

Nov 16, 2020 06:23

Got a food box yesterday. One the way there, somebody had set out stuff from a food box by the curb. Alas, it was raining, so most of what you could see was all the ruined spaghetti. There were a few things not ruined by the rain, but not much. *sigh*

When I got called up to get my food, some things were a bit light. Meat was a dozen precooked hambyuger patties. Got a 2 lb block of cheese and a dozen eggs. Also got a gallon of milk. And a dozen hamburger buns.

For veggies I got a bag of potatoes and a bag of apples. And *huge* orange cauliflower. Over a foot across. I had trouble getting it into one of my reusable bags. The leaves an leaf stalks *alone filled up a gallon freezer bag. I'm probably going to use those as a seperate vegetable when I'm cooking stuff.

There was also the usual "box" of stuff. I didn't bother opening it there, I can also put the stuff I don't need/want on the table by the common room like everybody else does. It'll get used.

Opening the box up, I got a big bottle of orange juice, a box of shelf stable milk, several cans of tomato sauce, a can of peaches, a can of "mixed fruit" (just grapes and pears), a bag of dried fruit and nut pieces, a can of black beans, a can of chicken, a box of farina (great, I like farina), a bag of flower and a bag of non-fat dry milk.

Odder mix than usual, but I can work with it.

I may try cooking a bit of the cauliflower, but I think I'll mostly eat it raw unless it has a notably different flavor than the normal white stuff. This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.


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