In a word, these folks are *idiots*.
Yeah, it's inconvenient. Yes, it's hurting the economy. But what they fail to understand is that consequences of ending the stay at home orders too soon will be even *worse*.
We *must* have massive testing before we even *think* about opening things back up. Why? Because in places were they've done mass testing, the data shows that as many as 4% of the population has or has had the virus.
The rights to freely assemble, and to run around as you please are *not* absolute. And one of the big reasons for that is a woman known as Typhoid Mary. She singlehandedly caused laws to be passed that make it legal to confine someone to prevent them infecting others.
What the testing data is showing is that we may have *millions* of "typhoid marys" running around if we re-open too soon. Asymptomatic carriers exist, and are a serious threat to everyone.
So it's a case of what's more important? Your right to assemble? Or your neighbor's rights to not *die*?
That's why I called them idiots. Not because they are inherently lacking in intelligence. But because they are not *using* what intelligence they have.
It's far too common to think "oh, we're different, it won't happen *here*" or "it's not as bad as they say". Both are cases of failing to learn from the experience of others. A trait that is encouraged by many forces today. Including the President. :-(
As was said elsewhere in other circumstances "The Constitution is not a suicide pact"
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