Experimental remote socializing

Mar 28, 2020 13:20

Last night Fay and I managed to have our TV night *and* remain in our apartments.

We used Teamviewr in meeting mode. It worked but was a bit of a pain because of CPU usage. I had to shut down most of my windows so that I wasn't locked out of them by the heavy CPU load.

Worked well enough on Fay's end, even after I lowered the video quality to try to reduce the load.

I did find some info that suggests I may be able to stream the videos we are watching using VLC, but the instructions on how to do it are a bit sparse. and the ones on how to **receive* the stream are even worse.

I'll have to do some experimenting.

But either way, we can go back to our old twice a week schedule, and watch more hours too. That should help us catch up (currently watching stuff from late January).

Still gotta figure out how to get files I recorded for Fay but I'm not interested in myself to her.

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