Aug 18, 2016 07:11
I've been rewatching some old programs from my childhood.
Among them were Fireball XL5 and stingray. I decided to check out the other Gerry Anderson shows that hadn't shown in my area.
Thunderbirds was ok, though like all of the shows it suffered from *horrible* plot holes/ignorance. Stuff like ignoring the way military groups work, science and tech errors, and just plain criminal stupidity on the part of various people and groups.
But Captain scarlet takes the cake. In the first episode, we have first contact with aliens *horribly* botched. Basically, the human group mistook something for an attack and destroyed an alien base on Mars.The aliens were able to recreate it with no effort, but while they claimed to be pacificists, they swear revenge on Earth for the attack.
The rest of the series is Earth fighting off the attacks. But the only mention of the attack on the Mysterons is when *they* sometimes mention it while announcing their next attack.
And while the Mysteron reaction is arguably out of line, why does nobody ever go into the fact that humans started it (note, the same folks that fired on the Mysteron base are the "heroes" of the show, except for the one who has been "converted" to the Mysteron side).
I know it was a kids show, but even so, I'm *appalled* at the way they just *accept* the attack that started the whole thing.