Well, I updated yesterday and brought you up-to-date w/ my life (for the most part)...today, I went to church (thanks again for the ride, Donna & Erin!) Haha...it was alright. Long...ran a half hour longer than usual, with Pastor Steve talking about politics and its relationships to christianity...Erin said this was the first service in 4 years that she actually wanted to fall asleep. Worship was good. We sang lotsa long songs...it was nice. I hung out w/ Justin, Jeff, Jess and Zac second half of services, which was also nice :-P...Zac made some paper airplanes and doodled (i've still gotta scan in a few bits of his work)...Doug proposed to Megan (my youth leader and his girlfriend). I didn't get to see it, but I heard Lisa took some pictures, so I might be able to get them up on the site (graceyg.com). Afterwards, Erin took me home :-) (thanks!!)
Anywho, that was church. The parents, Jessica, and Jaimie all left this morning to go to Auntie's house in Maine. Since I went to church, I didn't go. Neither did my other brothers. Jason (the eldest :-P) was planning on going, but Aaron's (my younger, half-brother) having a few...problems...w/ certain parts...and had to stay home, and isn't able to stay home alone. In addition to those who left going to Auntie's, Jess, Jaimie and Jody, went out to Lovell Lake to pay their respects to Jody's deceased wife, Jess and Jaimie's mother, Arlene. That left Jason, Aaron and I home all day until around 5:30, 6-ish. Sorry all you guys whom I signed off of AIM on...they were just pulling in and I had to greet then and help 'em out. After they got home, we had supper...popcorn chicken, french fries, and milk...mMm...
I'm also working on something for a friend of mine at Church. Something that'll allow her to update the devotional page on graceyg.com without me having to go in myself and commence the tedious process of editing coding. Its coming along pretty well...(haha, you can check it out if you want to...not that it'll make much sense...
devotional page &
update page) Not finished..not nearly finished...but in the process.
Well, its now almost bed-time and I've gotta get ready. Later, friends