Right the Wrong

Oct 19, 2010 16:41

(Once more, I am not a real communist. I play one on TV, that is if I didn't believe that Television is the secret life draining weapon of the capitalist elite scum of the world, except House, and possibly Dr. Who. OK, maybe not the Doctor, since he is a Time Lord and that term is a backwards aristocratic term that is even less progressive than the capitalists... but yeah, I'm definitely not really a communist)

Right the wrong

Gun Control and the Communist

When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun

The Clash “Guns of Brixton”

Since some of you see communism as merely the next “logical” step to the Democratic Party, or if you are really stupid, then you probably imagine the pseudo-leftists of the Democrats as actually being communists. For this reason I suppose you expect that there is some kind of communist scheme to deprive people of firearms or make them harder to acquire somehow. Perhaps you imagine some huge secret mega-state coming to your town in strange uniforms with UN badges; soldiers goose-stepping through the streets and speaking in odd German-esque accents; ordering everyone out of their homes to search for your guns, while forcing entire blocks of people to sing songs from Disney movies. Maybe “the circle of life” out of the lion king…

All I can say to all of this is… Yes, you actually are really stupid.

At what point in time do you think the proletariat would actually Want to be disarmed? Since Communism is direct rule by the masses, do you honestly imagine that we would want to take away the weapons of every communist just so we could all be annihilated by Blackwater or whatever other capitalist mercenaries that might be employed against us?

Just because we don’t go to gun shows and make a lot of noise about revolution doesn’t mean we aren’t prepared for it. The fact of the matter is that unlike the radical right we do not look forward to a bloody revolution with lots of murder and mayhem (right wingers seem to drool at this prospect for some reason). I believe we are far more circumspect and cautious about violent speech or action because our movement is not the movement of a militia, a small cadre of power hungry violent sorts with the backing of the elite and free rein to attack or destroy anyone that they disagree with. Our movement is about cooperation, and trying to improve the lives of everyone which is something you don’t typically have to do at the barrel of a gun.

That said we don’t advocate going after peoples weapons, after all if weapons are more regulated than we will have a harder time of getting our own. We also tend to be more pragmatic in our acquisition of weapons. Why should we be as excited about handguns which are not as good at range and attract far more legal attention when a good hunting rifle is just more useful?

While we no longer advocate violent revolution, it should be noted that we have learned the lessons of the past. The flawed socialists of the Weimar republic were beaten and destroyed by the Nazis who were well financed by the wealthy and corporate scum. Communists have learned lessons from this and we will fight back when the fascists come for us this time.

The right wing of the right leaning corporate party seems to believe that the reason their corporate party is happy to give them guns because the party is idealistic about the second amendment. They really aren’t and if you want evidence I recommend giving it a few years. Their real reasoning is Machiavellian and they take his advice well as he points out in his book, The Prince, that you never disarm an armed people and that if you find a disarmed people you should arm them. Currently they don’t have to strip people of weapons; they merely strip them of the rights as citizens. No rights- no weapons.

The supposedly leftist, corporate, Democratic Party makes noises about weapons merely as a way to distract from the sources of crime such as inequality and poverty. It also distracts the inner city and keeps them a bit more sedate and easier to track should they get too revolutionary. Lately, most of them rarely ever talk about guns at all and do even less about it. Rest assured if there was a left leaning reincarnation of an armed Black Panther Party then Democrats and Republicans would unite to COINTELPRO the hell out of it.

Therefore I encourage all my fellow communists to safely and discretely purchase a firearm and quietly, carefully practice in its operation. As a side benefit you will be able to observe and identify any fascists at the gun ranges so we will know who they are should they come a-knocking.

guns, politics, glenn beck, fascists, communism

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