Sep 17, 2008 12:43
Palin is not the real Republican VP candidate. There. I said it. Lightning has not struck, black helicopters have not raided my domicile, and Jesus is still comfortably cooling his heels somewhere after his two millennia of physical therapy for carpel tunnel and work related ankle injuries.
How do I know this? Because politics is theatre and most big and serious theatric productions have more than one act.
Let me give it to you carefully and build the mood. For the next two weeks Palin-tology will begin to wear out. Palin’s inability to believe in Paleontology will play some role as will her book banning bonanza. Her ignorance, narrow mindedness, and her lies will make the media less and less sympathetic towards her. Particularly when you factor in that she is not doing any serious interviews.
Towards the end of it the McCain campaign will cry out that Obama isn’t talking about the issues and they will refuse debates because Obama wouldn’t go to debate McCain in front of his Republican stacked town hall meetings. They will likewise refuse VP debates for the same trumped up reasons.
In about two or three weeks, after a week long tirade by McCain about focusing on the issues (it will be in Fox talking points high about that time), there will be a major announcement from the McCain campaign.
Sara Palin will make a prime time speech where she will resign as the VP candidate and go back to Alaska. It will seem so human. She will break down and tear up about two-thirds of the way in. She will blame the democrats for playing image over substance and, in a true Rovian fashion; she will get away with it. It will be full of fake humility, scattered with religious references and reverence for John McCain. She will even say that the presidency, the future of America, and the World, are all too important to risk ‘not’ having McCain as president.
She will stitch up the religious conservatives that were looking askance at the McCain ticket
After it the media will tear itself apart for a week while right wing commentators crow and gloat and bray. O’reilly will have to order his loofas in bulk that week. Fox news will decry how negative Barak is and how much Democrats hate small towns, women, Christians, puppies, change, and rainbows.
McCain will get a post ‘Palin-leaving’ bump and then he will get another when they wheel out T-paw, Mittens, or perhaps a real Republican ‘strong-man’ candidate. It will play as the Republicans fighting back. The new VP candidate will give them yet another bump. Whenever the Republicans get backed into a corner on an issue for the next ten years they will throw out the one-liner: “You aren’t going to do to me what you jerks did to Sara Palin, I’m going to fight back”
Palin will give soulful interviews full of fake pathos and all that shit. Palin will win in the Repuke party by being the martyr-candidate and her national profile will be pumped up for 2012 or 2016 depending on what happens this year. She will give speeches and continue to fire up the religious base that have been wavering and having doubts.
All of her sleazy attacks on Obama will be conveniently disassociated with the ticket, the way a prosecutor playing rough on a witness before a jury retracts a tough (but unfair) question in the movies.
Overall I give Palin a 40% chance of leaving the ticket.
october surprise