Jan 06, 2006 01:11
As time passes many things comes and goes. Friends to lovers, family to pain... Love that is lost that leads to never loving again. Thing go as nothing ever happened. Passing in to the void of time, to another distant place. To be forgotten or just placed in the back of ones mind. To say it "okay" and it not being okay at all. The pain is there to make it hard to live. As if ones life is nothing but a stain in the world.
The other day I was standing on a chair. It was not that high but I could reach up to touch the ceiling. As I looked down, the feeling of hanging came to me. To end it right there. But I looked up as saw no rope. I imagined what it must feel like for some to hang them self. The thoughts that go through their heads. The pain they must have suffered to puss them to this one point in time. What it must feel like to know that you don’t want to live anymore and know that they are going to end it right then and there.
As I was standing there, things went through my head. My family which, no matter what I say about them I love them. My friends, all the pain and worry I put them through, I love them. My x-boyfriends and yes my x- girlfriends...no matter what I say to them, no matter how they have treated me, no matter what I have said about them... I love them. I would do anything for these people in my life. There is little I wont do.
So now as you read this, who ever it may be. You are Family and Friend to me. Reading this shows that you care.
Thanks for being there...