I'm ready to build an ark with all this effing rain.

May 20, 2006 15:02

I'm getting a little nervous about the wine tasting thing. The date is coming up and Lisa still hasn't got all the fronted money from the vineyard or the Ozone house. Oh well, we'll see. Either way, I'll have my fun, but I would like to make Lisa some money.

The Cavs are coming to the Palace to get there asses WHUPPED.

Holy Fucking Shit of the Week; I met a young lady who is smart AND cute AND makes decent money AND isn't younger than me AND doesn't have a boyfriend at Tap AND I wasn't too drunk or tired to make good conversation AND she's not a stripper AND I got her number. I win. I'm Pretty sure that in three years of solid patronage, that's a first.

When are you going to give birth, Nikki?

I was hanging out at the Elbow Room the other night and a guy I know, Justin, was in a band called Red White and Booze. They all had American flags incorporated into their costumes. the lead singer had a mullet. They even had a guy with a synthesizer strapped around his neck; that's right, eighties cock-rock all the way. They played some hilarious shit, including the theme song to Team America: World Police. "America, FUCK YEAH!"

As if this wasn't enough to inspire me, that very evening Evan was hanging out with G, the cook who used to work at the Polo Fields and would challenge me to high-pitch singing contests on a semi-regular basis. He challenged me again that night. So we went over to the Annex where they had karaoke, and I sang "I Believe in a Thing Called Love." Yes, I brought down the house.

I also caught the awesome band Captured! By Robots a couple Fridays ago. For anyone who hasn't seen them; go. It's as rocking as it is hilarious.

No-go on the manager promotion at Polo Fields. Again though, kind of a blessing in disguise. Apparently, I talk too much. Who knew. So, I think I'm going to try to quit Paesano's and work somewhere for Main Street Ventures (Chop House, Gratzi, Bella ciao, etc.). Not only then would I be back in Ann Arbor (a thing that I have missed), but also I will have less of a commute, a more regular schedule, and people I know can come and get waited on by me. So, I'm going to print up a resume and head up there, I believe on Monday. Wish me luck.

I'm becoming increasingly popular at the corner of Michigan Ave. and Washington. This is mostly due to the fact that, rather than just going up and drinking/shooting pool, I've actually been attempting to meet new people and catch more good bands. I know a shitload of regulars at TC's, Tap, and the Elbow Room. There are a lot of interesting and fun people there, let me tell you. I expect my lame myspace page will flourish from this. I need to get someone over to help me spiff it up.

I suppose that's all for now, as I must be getting to work. The next couple of weeks should be, for lack of a better word, very interesting.
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