Jun 15, 2005 11:06
If anyone wants to know why I don't mind Christianity but dislike most Christians, go here
Check out the minimum income requirement. What a load of bullshit.
"Lord, please protect me from your followers."
So I trained some girl last night at work with a booty like J Lo. Seriously, I think one of her ancestors is an apple. Or an onion.
That brings the total of complete hotties that I work with up to like, an even dozen. And they were all out for my manager's going away party the other night, which was cool, 'cause I don't get to talk to a lot of them.
I got some spice from work for my Tuna steaks I'm grilling up on Friday. I'm ALL excited about that.
The newest White Stripes is pretty good.
Any recommendations for a day job for me? I might be getting one soon. Time for Kenny to grow up. I'll be having too many higher monthly bills by the end of the summer.
Jason got me a bottle of a vintage 1990 red blend from Italy. It's suppose to drink like a super-Tuscan. What a guy. I had a nice chat with him last night about a lot of things. He's a good buddy.
Does anyone want to take me clothes shopping for my birthday? I was gonna go with Kris. It's seriously embarrassing, the state of my jeans.
I'm not a Michael Moore nut, but if anyone gets a chance to survey "Dude, Where's My Country?" it has a lot of interesting links between the Bin Laden and bush families. Also, a lot of "oil politics" that were happening around both elections were staggering, and rarely reported in the U.S.
Effie is my best friend.
Someone is playing Counting Crows in the basement next door. I'm about to go completely batshit.
Got a bunch of good fellas coming over for a game tonight. Should be a lot of fun.
I got into a really sweet conversation with bartender John last night that lasted until the bar closed. He insisted on buying my drinks during the whole thing.
Seriously, people need to stop doing that for me. I really don't need to be drinking this much. After my graduation party this weekend, I'm taking a sober vacation. And for those who are used to me joking about this, I'm actually dead serious. Between graduation, my birthday, Traverse City, poker and such, things are getting out of hand.
I've recently become very disenchanted with the amount of friends of mine that are into Coke. Luckily, I can say with pretty assured confidence that neither of my roommates would ever do that, but seriously, it seems like every other day I find out another good friend is doing blow at parties so he can stay awake to drink more. That's bullshit. Fifty bucks a gram (or more) to make your bar tab higher. I would rather piss myself at the bar than do coke. Addictions make you lie like a dog, and give you money problems. Fuck all that. I might have to stop hanging out with a lot of my bar friends. I'm not elitist, but I just can't be around that. Working at Millenium was more than enough for me.
Mother fuckin' Detroit Pistons motherfucker.
I'm meeting with Campbell to have him "appraise" the old books I picked up in Traverse City. That should be fun.
Alrighty whities, I'm going to make myself shower.