I need at least 15 items to get the wholesale rates. Get cheap CNY clothes here!
Feedback: [+8/-0] Terms and conditions:
1) I do not take in an order if there's no payment by the time I close the spree.
2) I have the right to cancel the spree if the response is low.
3) I will not be responsible if supplier ships the wrong item or items are damaged during shipping.
4) Refunds will be made within 3 days if your item is out of stock.
5) Meet ups are at my convenience. If you cannot make it to the mass meet-up, please opt for post.
6) I will not be responsible for lost mail. I will provide you with the tracking number (in cases of registered mail), place, date, time of postage as soon as I have posted your item.
7) Please do not join the spree if you are not comfortable with these terms.
http://cleocat-fashion.com/ Spree Cap: at least 15 items
Deadline: 9 January 2008, 9pm
Contact: midnight underscore pearl85 at hotmail dot com
ATM transfers allowed (please state reference number, time, date).
1 Payments: 1 payment to include postage from Cleocat to me, Cleocat charges $1 for postage per item. Add postage from my house to you. (please look at postage rates below)
Exchange rate: prices all quoted in SGD
Distribution: Post or meet ups. If you cannot make it for the mass meetups, please opt for posts. As approved by the moderators, items not collected after 3 weeks upon arrival will be at my disposal.
Post: Spree-ers will get normal postage unless they opt of registered mail which will require additional payment. Additional payment will be based on the weight of their items. I will provide you with the tracking number (in cases of registered mail), place, date, time of postage as soon as I have posted your item.
Meet ups: 1 mass meet up. Hougang MRT station (Time and date to be confirmed).
Normal postage for lightweight items like tops/shorts will be $1 each. For dresses/pants/ jackets please pay $2.
Shipping: Add $1 PER ITEM for shipping of Cleo Cat to my house. It takes at most 3 business days for me to receive the items.
Limitations of spree items:
1) No pre-orders, only ready stock. I don't want the whole shipment to be delayed.
2) I'm purchasing the credit to be able to buy 15 pieces of any design. I may accept orders after 15items. However, if the order overshoots my available online credit I will reject the order.
Updates: Updates will be done via mass email to spree participants.
Updates to be done:
1) when spree closes and I've ordered the items. Will include a spreadsheet of spree-ers and the item breakdown. Please allow up to 3 days after spree closure for me to consolidate the information.
2) Weekly updates will be provided.
Order Format:
LJ username/ real name
Email address:
Bank details: (name of bank, type of account, especially for interbank transfers)
Order item 1
Colour: Shade 1/ Shade 2
Alternatives: (either different colour, different item or DNB)
Price in SGD:
Shipping charged by Cleo cat: ($1 per item, but some items come with free postage)
Order item 2 (and so on)
Total number of items: (please count two if you are getting 2 of the same item)
Total price in SGD +total shipping charges by Cleo Cat + Postage from my house to you
I-banking name:
Amount transferred:
Transaction reference:
Or for ATM transfers
Amount transferred:
Transaction reference:
Time: (must include time and date!!)
Please include all information in 1 (ONE) comment. For atm transfers, please delete your old post and post a new one to include both your ATM transfer details and your order.