Great Feast From Staff Table - 1

Nov 30, 2004 09:35

Place: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Time: June 28, 1975, evening
Characters involved: Students, Ghosts, and Staff of Hogwarts
- Head Boy and Girl Speeches
- Graduation
- Awards to Seniors for Subject Specific Merit
- Quidditch Cup, MVP and new Captains announced
- House Cup
- Gryffindors starve and tries to amuse themselves
- Peeves is teh funny.
Rating: G

Great Hall
Like the feasting halls of yore, the Great Hall of Hogwarts is vast in its dimensions. It comprises walls and flooring of cold, pale grey stone, the severity alleviated by long-faded murals. Whatever was depicted within has become too obscure and indistinct to identity. For the End of Year Feast, banners of silver and green hang from the high rafters, to celebrate House Slytherin's victory in the race for the House Cup.
There are five immensely long tables in all, able to accommodate the students and faculty at one sitting. Four are neatly arranged in parallel rows, reserved for the students of the four Houses. Benches are provided for sitting. Located upon the southern end of the hall, the High Table stands perpendicular and has been set aside for the Professors. Unlike the students, faculty members are granted comfortable chairs, and at the very centre is the Headmaster's golden throne.
The tall, narrow gothic windows lining the western and eastern walls of the Great Hall have been darkened with the fall of night. It is nearly impossible to see the view of the manicured lawns beyond the panes of clear glass, for like a mirror, they have a tendency to reflect the flickering light of countless torches and floating candles. A touch of the outdoor weather is brought into the hall through the vaulted ceiling, which has been enchanted to resemble the skies. It seems as though a scattering of stars have been thrown across endlessly black skies.

Jabari Blaire Luke
Jana Virgil Loxodrome
Dillion Kauton Xell
Michael Paige Jaelle
Matisse Martin Heath
Adwen Alistair Landen
Flint Alis Auden
Samuel Alexial Samantha
McGonagall Josh Cedwic
Peter Irwin William
O'Hare Diana Katherine
Valerie Binyamin Dumbledore
Vivian Donelle Svartrunir
Nearly Headless Nick

Dumbledore announces over the PA: "By all means, please come to the Great Hall to wish our dear seventh years a farewell and to celebrate the many accomplishments of the year! (OOC: Ending Feast starts in about 10 minutes!)"
Alistair comes into the hall, swinging his arms freely and without a book in either hand. This can only mean a number of things. Either the gates of hell have been opened and there is no hope for any living creature on the planet, or the mothership is coming to pick him up or it is the end of the year and all of those delicious exams are over with. Without really looking about at all of the faces he has grown used to over the year(s), he makes his way towards the Ravenclaw table.
Adwen comes in with the great press of other people that are pouring through the doors from the Entry Hall, and carefully makes her way over to a seat at the Slytherin table, smoothing her robe carefully beneath her as she does so.
Samuel is looking the grumpiest he has all year as he sits down at the gryffindor table saving a spot on either side of him. He waves his sister over into the spot next to him. And then he kind of awkwardly looks to Jae and the spot on the other side of him with a shrug. Only if she wants to, no biggie.
Alis skips into the hall and seats herself as far away from Samuel as she can get. And promptly proceeds to ignore him.
Another Slytherin walks in -- and with her harried and slightly harassed appearance one might think Katherine was about to be graduating herself. She slips into a seat at her house's table, lacing her fingers and folding her hands on the table. The girl seems impatient and a little distracted, but she glances over to her other housemates with a faint smile.
Jaelle slips into a seat between her fellow musketeers hehe, Matisse and Martin. Catching sight of Samuel's look, she gives an apologectic smile and a small wave to both the boy and his sister.
At your table, Dumbledore sits in the middle of the table, face touched with a sense of warmness, not tepid, but constrained and genuine. He looks out at the students, eyes not quite wandering, but still observing. "Ah, yes...that excitement that comes at the end of the year has returned. Alas, it does not last through classes and exams."
Payton's arrives with fellow classmates and finds a place at the Gryffindor table, too.
Samuel sighs and leans against his sister. He's only watching the Gryffindor table all the other tables get ignored. Wouldn't want anyone to think he's staring. He just weakly smirks at Jae. He taps a fork on his plate. He wants to eat and go already.
Michael has reached the Slytherin table, looking around parts of the room, before he slowly seats himself. One hand is kept in his pocket at the moment.
Amanda has already seated herself, a bit off to the side, if that's possible, at the Slytherin table, glancing around a little unenthusiastically.
Heath steps in with the rest of the students into the Great Hall. He finds a place at the Hufflepuff table and sits down, quietly. He up and down the table before looking curiously at the main table up front.
King of the world, baby. King. Of. The. World. That's how Landen feels anyway as he heads into the Great Hall, spiffed out in his graduation robe (If there's any specific graduation attire...). Regardless! He strides in, peers at all of the house tables and the professors in front, then heads on towards the Slytherin table to join his graduating peers and undergraduate buddies.
Alexial trots in with a group of Ravenclaws and sits herself down reasonably near to Vivian and the rest of the quidditch crew. She peers over at smiles and waves at everyone before looking up and down the table, seemingly looking for someone.
Would you believe he kept the purple hair from the day he walked in the door til the day he gradumacated? Xell saunters on in, making his way over to a seat at the Slytherin table. Near Landen in the hopes that some of the Head Boy's infinite cool will leak to him via diffusion. He's never been good at suppressing nerves, which explains why he's fidgeting and keeps straightening his spine to peer out over the rest of the great hall.
As far as 'cat ate the canary' looks go, Martin pretty much has that expression as he seats himself at the Gryffindor table, at Jaelle's right and leaving her left side open for Matisse. As things stand, having a buffer zone between him and Matisse might be a good thing. Not on the best side of her these days.
At your table, Dumbledore says "Feel free to pose in guys, want to get started shortly"
Here we go! Irwin Malcolm Witherby waves at several people, such as Vivian, Donelle, Katherine, Daniel, etc., there are way too many and the player is tired, before having a seat at the Gryffindor table, wearing his best robes and a polished Prefect badge opposite the bright Gryffie patch. He grins around. This Feast is always fun.
Professor Dolph Darkefell sits at the teacher's table, apparently back from whatever vanished him earlier. He is smiling, though not as bright as he normally does, and he looks a trifle pale and tired.
Colleen MacGlory is already seated at the Slytherin table, wearing one of those silly graduating Firstie hats, swinging her legs, excited in that quiet way she has. She sits next to her brother and keeps waving to Morganna and grinning.
Peter hurries over to the Ravenclaw table, simply seating himself there, glancing around a bit thoughtfully.
Donelle gives Uncle Dolph a little wave.
Diana seems almost nervous about graduation. Still, she has spent nearly the entire day getting ready. She glances up toward the high table for a moment, trying to figure out if this is truely graduation day or just a dream. It doesn't seem real to her yet.
Matisse slips into a seat beside Jaelle with a little thud. She links her arm through the other girls, with a tentative smile.. Is all forgiven?
Percival sits at the Head table just looking out at those students graduation. "I certainly do feel old..." he quips to no one. After all, he knew many of this class when he was at Hogwarts.
Up at the professor's table, Thumblewood is gleefully shuffling through a couple of papers set before him and keeping up a lively conversation with... no one in particular. Perhaps he's practicing his speech for awarding the Quidditch cup. Yeaaah.
Kauton pushes open one of the doors and steps in from the entry hall.
Kauton has arrived.
Up at the high table, the Astronomy Professor and Ravenclaw's Head of House, Gwendolyn O'Hare, is already seated and sipping primly from a goblet of wine. There's a bright smile on her face, and she cheerfully swings her feet since they don't quite reach the floor.
Connor MacGlory is absorbed in a book though. The cover is something about Hexes, though if one glances on the actual content they'd see a different story.
Professor McGonagall glances over at Professor Sullivan with knowing smile. "Tut-tut, Professor Sullivan. You have many years to go before you are old."
Flint sits down on a bench at the Gryffindor table.
Valerie sits in her seat, plump, ready to go, or as ready to go as a dry, crusty teacher, with a bit of dust on her robes even now can be. She smiles a bit, folding her hands and looking out on the students, cocking her head and just waiting. At least she is polite, hands resting in her lap, prim.
Binyamin is momentarily absorbed in the latest Muggle obsession of his. Those little paddle balls. He keeps 'binging' himself in the nose with his.
Flint tests. Ignore this line.
Alistair had, when he first sat down, managed to find himself a nice little portion of the table that hadn't been too crowded with his housemates. As time moves on the buffer zone around him shrinks a little with the seats around him being filled. Nods are given. Polite smiles are offered.
Percival just gives a chuckle at McGonagall, "Yes, I know that...but it doesn't make it any easier seeing a class below me graduate. How many can actually say they've done that?" He toys with his goblet but doesn't yet drink from it.
Katherine can't help but snicker at Binyamin and his paddleball. She waves brightly over at Irwin and then at Donelle, hoping to attract the girl's attention, before grinning at her own graduating housemates. She's quiet yet, considering the noisiness of the room, but she looks a little wistful and sad. last things begin to move. Dumbledore stands and raises a hand, looking out like a grandfather on the crowd of students, smiling and waiting patiently, giving a single nod.
Yep, Irwin looks dang cheery, considering that a large number of his friends, and no less his girlfriend, are graduating today. Anyone seen Flint?
Dolph gives Donelle a little wave back, smiling, but bearing a look in his eyes that says they need to talk later. He is unusually quiet tonight.
Colleen grins at her brother and then peers up at Dumbledore, still swinging her legs, back and forth, rapidly.
Flint spots Irwin down a few places over, and moves, sliding into a seat across from him. "I need your help with something later," He murmurs.
Irwin sits down on a bench at the Gryffindor table.
Donelle nods to Dolph, indicating she understands, then sort of gives Katherine a resigned wave and a smile.
After the room quiets, the headmaster clears his throat before speaking, voice with a wispy clarity, each word enunciated with loose precision. "Now, then, as I am sure you all know, the school year has finally come to an end. And, as is tradition here, we have come to celebrate your accomplishments this year." He pauses for a moment, folding his hands. "Further, we have come to especially recognise those who shall be leaving us to enter the wizarding world as full-fledged wizards and witches. I feel that we owe them a special round of applause." The professor begins to applaud gently.
Svartrunir sits with his usual stoic expression at the High Table, second to Dumbledore's left. His gaze is trained on the students sitting at the front of his House table, the senior students. Every one has changed much since he first met them, every one suffered failures and successes, and in general to the pride of his House. He is silent in deference to the Headmaster.
Donelle stands up and claps. Well she loves her seventh year friends.
Binyamin nearly hits his face with the paddleball and then blinks. Clapping! He rests the paddleball carefully on his head and claps.
Alexial joins into the applause politely but enthusiastically, smiling at Vivian and Cedwic.
Katherine claps also, grinning at her seventh-year friends. She sniffs a little, smile unfading, full of pride.
Paeonia joins in the round of applause and gently elbows her brother to join in as well and forget his Don Juan troubles for the moment.
Now that the Headmaster has spoken, ahem, Professor Svartrunir offers his applause, perhaps making eye contact with a few specific students. Luckily he sits next to Minerva. Not paddleball-boy.
Xell claps... like a spaz.
Right! Clapping! Loxodrome's been here all along, really...and he's clapping, because he's supposed to. Yup, that's right.
Valerie chuckles for a moment, before applauding gently, in that adult sort of way, formal and restrained. She does smile at her students at least and nods at a few of her favorites.
Amanda adds a little to the applause, as she glances around the room, rather quickly.
Go them! Cedwic joins in the round of applause to his fellow yearmates, a smile on his lips. Yes, thank you. As much as he likes Hogwarts, he is feeling quite ready to move on to new ground.
Irwin stands immediately, nearly falling over, clapping really loudly and whistling.
Dolph claps loudly but does not stand.
Colleen claps towards Landen, smiling.
Once the Headmaster draws attention to himself, O'Hare sets down her cup and squints through her thick-lensed glasses up at him. She breaks out in a bright grin, and then she too begins to applaud. Clap. Clap. Clap. Clappity-clap.
In her current position, it's kind of hard for Jaelle to clap. But she joins in the cheering quite happily!
Alis claps like the hyperactive, overly Gryffexuberant child she is! Woo!
Vivian looks around a bit tentatively and then seems to hide in her seat. Not...graduating...nope. She applauds a little, though, too, for the other seventh years.
Nearly Headless Nick would clap, but really, he's a ghost, ghosts aren't really very good at the clapping thing. So he...fake claps, all spazz-like.
Matisse tries to clap onehanded, and somewhat succeeds...
Oh, and Payton claps, too.
Oh, clapping. Then Peter lets out a roaring applause, like only a Scottish-born Hungarian can do. Loud.
Flint claps, though not especially excitedly. None of his friends are graduating.
Connor reads right through all the clapping until someone hits him on the back of the head. He sneers at the offender...then claps.
Kauton doesn't seem interested in the applause, because he attention has been caught by a stain on the table. One of which she begins to idly pick at. Headache medicine before large gatherings?.. Wait, clapping? Delayed reaction! Kauton leaves the spot alone and claps. Really. Clap. Clap. Clap.
Samuel is still white knuckling his fork. So he in rather medieval tradition pounds the butt of his fork on the table in 'applause' as he imagines stabbing Martin's hand with the pointing end of the fork. Yep. Still broody and miserable.
Landen applauds as well! Even though he figures that those who are being applauded probably shouldn't clap for themselves, but pft whatever! He smirks and applauds along with the rest of the school and for the other graduates.
Michael claps his hands together a few time, since everyone seems to be doing it. He still keeps his attention to the front, though, and as soon as the applauding is done, his hand goes back into his pocket.
Heath applauds with everyone, with a large grin upon his face. He looks down the table, letting it shift for a smirk for a second.
Alistair joins in with the applause in that same polite and detached way that he smiles at the people around him. His smile has gotten more pleasant at least. It has moved from feigned interest to vague interest. See?
Irwin gives out a final, "Woo, Viv!" before finally sitting down and shushing so the Headmaster can continue, trying to shush others at the Gryffindor table. He then notices the letter Flint passed him, and blinks at it.
Adwen applauds quite politely, though she grins sidelong at Landen, then along her table at the rest of her graduating housemates.
Raising his hand, the headmaster waits for things to quiet again. Once they have, he adjusts his cap, centering it on his head and then continues. "But, first, the head boy and head girl have prepared a speech to reflect on this year. Mister O'nally, Miss O'connor, if you will?" Smiling warmly, the headmaster applauds and settles down, looking down both directions at the rows of professors and then forward. A podium has been set in the front, centered between the four student tables, with the high table behind it.
Landen takes a deep breath, flashes a grin at his housemates, then heads up to .. speechify. Importantly. "When I found out I needed to write speech to give to my graduating peers, the student body, an' parents an' faculty, my first thought was, "..Why?". What could I possibly say to these people, especially my fellow graduates, that they don' already know or haven't learned thd be, an' as deep and thought provoking because I know that that's what the lot of you are expecting from a graduation speech, and from me as Head Boy. But after those three failed drafts, I figured that all I could do is write from my heart and be myself as I wrote it. So keeping that in mind, and with help from a very smart girl, this is what I have to offer.

Pause. "Hogwarts is a story book. In here, we play our roles sheltered from what happens in the "real world." We have our princesses, our kings, and heros, and victims. Every day another story begins an' ends, and throughout these seven years we've all played our roles as the hero or the victim in what we believe was some tragedy. We lost a girlfriend, or failed a test, or lost points, or had a failing Quidditch season. But as we graduates have grown an' matured from all've that, we've realized that there's more than these small things that we should worry about, an' now that we're older, these other thing are what we are going to have to worry about. There are no house points or Quidditch cup where we're goin'." (One more and I'm done I swear.)

Landen continues, just as importantly. "Death is an every day thing, an' Hogwarts will be nothin' more but that faraway fairytale that we won't be comin' back to. So, as graduates, we have a choice. We can meet our future with the full extent of our abilities, courage, an' wit, or we can stand aside, mutter an' moan of our woes, an' hide behind our own self pity. We can play make believe an' try to befriend all we cross in fear of havin' a single soul as an adversary, or we can not waste our energy on false friendships and care for those who truly deserve the care we're giving, risking making an enemy along the way. There are no fairy tales where we're going, an' for all yeh undergraduates, it'd be good to remember this. Nothin' yeh do is goin' to be the one thing that saves the world, an' no one person is goin' to be the savior of our world, but maybe still, you can grow to be a person who will be worth somethin' to a heck've a lot've people."

"An' so we close the book of Hogwarts to begin our real journey down the road of life. This was just a pitstop for us, a stop where we've both made friendships that'll last over the years, and rid ourselves of those unworthy. We've become independent individuals with varying talents, and have faced both joy an' heartbreak together as a class. So now is the end of our storybook page, our happily ever after, an' tomorrow we start livin' as worthy individuals of our wizard society. This is the end. An' the beginning. Thank you." I <3 U XELL AND DONELLE! XD

Donelle puts her fingers in her mouth and whistles!
Yes, his name SO came before yours Donelle. And he'd win in a catfight too so don't even go there, girlfriend. At the end of Landen's speech, Xell erupts into some sort of high-pitched hyperactive clapping/cheering fit like an anime fangirl when faced down with Scott McNeil.
Vivian applauds a bit, maybe somewhat tentatively, but with appreciation and gives a nod. Good speech. She smiles a bit, thoughtful, and then eyes Xell, blinking a bit. Sheesh.
Landen moves away from the podium, takes a little bow, and grins at everyone in general, making room for Callie.
Colleen claps very loudly, and tries to cheer over the noise. "Aye, Landen! Wot ah speech!" She elbows Connor.
Alexialplayer laughs herself silly at Xell's pose. Alexial claps more enthusiastically at Landen's speech, grinning.
Katherine claps loud, a grin on her face as she nods her head. She's not going quite as hyperactive as Xell, because that would involve infusions of sugar and caffeine beyond the legal limit, but she's cheering for her housemate and Quidditch captain nevertheless.
Svartrunir stands in recognition of Landen's speech, clapping the unexuberant applause of the austere gentleman. But that he stood suggests the old man actually means it.
Connor elbows Colleen back. What?
"Owow!" Paige claps and cheers right along with everyone else.
Landen talks too much. Or, that's what Kauton thinks idly as she strains her concious against simply putting her head onto the table and sleeping again. ... Ignoring ... The thing at that one table over there. You know. Xell.
Adwen raises her hands above her head, clapping in a ladylike fashion, but beaming up in Landen's direction, clearly delighted with his speech.

Diana gives Landen a bit of applause as she tries to wipe the amazed look off of her face. He surprised her by a nice speech.
Martin joins in the applause by drumming his fork on the table, a smile on his lips as he nods his head in agreement with the Head Boy's words.
Dolph smiles with pride for Landen, though the speech is a bit morose and scary for his tastes. It's good to make note of the truth, though. That is, after all, what so much energy has been spent towards finding of late. He claps.
Samuel bumps fist and fork on the table. Yay. One speech down. One speech closer to food.
Alis cheers and applauds and generally annoys people close to her. There's a reason the word 'Gryffexuberant' was invented to describe her. :P
Irwin claps hard, but no longer looks quite so cheery. He does smirk a bit at Alis, though.
McGonagall applauds polietly after the Head Boy's speech.
And then a certain head girl rises from the Ravenclaw table, moving towards the front and stepping to the podium. She looks at a sheet there, and then waits for quiet.
Applauding a little, Michael smiles slightly.
Amanda Applauds a bit politely.
Peter blinks a bit, as he tries to sort out what was said, but claps his hands a few times as well.
Payton claps as politely as possible.
Now one hand's free, Jaelle knocks it on the table (well hey, its something!) to join in the applause and grins briefly.
Dillion applauds for Landen's speech from his spot at the Ravenclaw table.
This is where the stage gets Cedwic's utter attention, as Callie moves to take Landen's place. But by all means, Landen gets a wholehearted applause from him as well, and a whistle to boot.
Alistair explodes into a light smattering of applause. It's a little more than one might hear on a muggle golf course in the way that some ants are bigger than others. Hands come apart. Hands come together. Reset. Repeat.
Matisse still claps onehandedly, even though both are free, and waits for the next speech.

Callie begins her speech - "Headmaster, Professors, fellow graduates, and students of Hogwarts, I am honored to stand here before you, and quite frankly, relieved after the rigours of NEWTs. We graduate in an uncertain time; even the stout walls of Hogwarts cannot hide from us word of what has been transpiring in the wizarding world. I am not going to stand here, a Pollyanna, telling you we must all be friends. That would be folly. We are 1000 people, 1000 different interests and foibles, loves and hates. But we are just that- people. Prick us and we bleed, every one of us." She pauses.
At your table, Svartrunir naturally has sat and settled before Callie starts talking.
At your table, Valerie grins
At your table, Svartrunir demands something silly from Binyamin. So Svarty can look all straightlaced. XD
Irwin, Dolph, and Colleen all listen to Callie quietly, Irwin giving her a little thumbs up and a smile.

The head girl continues. "A chill wind is blowing through the wizarding world, and as we go forth into it, some of us may yet bleed. Some of us may be the healers to staunch the wounds, the aurors on the front lines, the reporters telling the tale. Every path has value; every choice we make has the power to change, for good or ill, not just our lives, but the lives of others. Our time at Hogwart's has taught us well; our professors have prepared us as best they can. Now it is up to us to face the future. To not shrink with fear, paralyzed with indecision. To not sacrifice ourselves unthinkingly. But to embrace it; to defiantly live richly and fully, despite the growing darkness. And yes- to support each other when called upon. We may not all leave here as friends, but we do all leave here as players upon a great stage, each with a role, each with a purpose, though it may not be clear to us now. We came here as children, we leave as adults, bonded together forever. Congratulations to my fellow graduates, good luck to the students of Hogwarts, and thank you to the Faculty."
Eyeing some of the students who are knocking on the table instead of applauding appropriately, Professor McGonagall is dismayed that they are Gryffindors. She gives a look that suggests they might wish to applaud with both hands the next time.
Vivian applauds greatly at the end of the speech, still maintaining hopefully /all/ Ravenclaws are, but with a broad grin on her face. Yup, pride for her close friend.
Of course Callie receives an enthusiastic round of applause from Xell, but he is not an O'Connor fangi- ... fanb- .. something... so he doesn't scream or nothin'.
Matisse brings both hands together, clapping loudly and appearing all enthusiastic-like.
Donelle claps heartily for Callie too. Oh hell, she'll whistle for Callie too. Binyamin isn't lookin' at the Hufflepuffs.
Alexial applauds along with Vivian, leaning towards her to mutter something while grinning.
Svartrunir applauds Calliope, inclining his head in an expression of approval for the speech, murmuring, "Well put."
Aaaaaand, more applause from Katherine for a very good speech. Enthusiasm. Hands going bang.
Woo! More cheering and applauding from Paige.
There's nothing 'decorous' about the way Alis applauds, but at least she's using both hands. So there.
Kauton claps again. Clap. Clap. Clap. Kick someone under the table. Clap.
Yay Callie! She may not be his most favorite person on campus, though Landen does applaud for her when her speech is done.
Jaelle catches sight of McGonagall's look and slips her hand out of Marty's to clap properly this time. Evil eye, not good.
Paeonia claps for Callie along with the others and then looks around.
Diana nods approval with a grin as she applauds Callie. She glances around, still trying to figure out if this is real or just fantasy.
"Certainly well done..." Professor Mullins applauds appreciatively nodding at one of her best students with her usual smile, that tiny, line-thin, scholarly look.
Hands lowered, now, Adwen applauds in a polite and ladylike fashion again, if slightly less enthusiastically, smiling a little.
Proud as punch, O'Hare applauds briskly and loudly for the Head Girl's speech. She's a Ravenclaw, don'tcha know.
Michael applauds a little, expression going completely thoughtful, as the hand goes back down to his pocket, and then to wipe away something near his mouth.
Amanda applauds, as politely as possible.
Peter lets out a cheer and applaud again, for the speeches.
Heath applauds for both speakers, really. Honest. Especially having to stand in front of the entire school to give their speeches.
Callie bows slightly and then heads back to her seat near the head of the Ravenclaw table, settling in again.
Irwin stands and claps, whistling again. "Yea Callie!" He does notice his House's head looking their way, though, and looks round to see who has attracted her ire, clueless.
Dillion applauds for his fellow Ravenclaw. Yay! Though he's not going to like having to see everyone leave. Nope. That's not gonna be fun.
There is a nod from McGonagall as she sees the students doing what they should. She then applauds polietly for the head girl's speech.
Alistair is the picture of decorum. Repeating such great performances as his clapping fiasco from a moment ago and the polite nod, he further places himself in line of succession to become the future Pope of Moderate Enthusiasm.
At your table, Dumbledore says "My dear professors ;D Next up is the awards"
Dolph claps, nodding, to Callie as well. Fine speeches, both.
Colleen applauds and murmurs back to her brother, "Will ye put yer book away awlready?!" She pokes him in the arm, grinning.
At your table, Dumbledore says "I think the most straightforward way to do them is to run straight through the subjects alphabetically"
Landen settles himself back down between Xell and Adwen, looking pleased with himself as he leans in to the table to softly chatter with the rest of the people, beaming.
At your table, Percival doesn't think he has any Divinations 7th years...
At your table, Svartrunir says "The profs present.. do you want to give the award for your subject. I'd be glad to start."
At your table, Dumbledore says "Well, you're up first, Svartie, either way ;)"
At your table, Dumbledore will introduce this part of the ceremony in a moment
At your table, Svartrunir says "Thanks. :)"
At your table, Dumbledore pages

Applauding, the headmaster rises again, looking out with that mirthful countenance, familiar to each student, yet distant at the same time. "Again, thank you Mister O'nally, Miss O'Connor for the year. Best of luck as you pursue your future careers." He nods, applauding some more, motion precise and gentle.

At your table, Svartrunir says "And you are correct, Percy. No professor turned in a name so that subject will be blank this year."
At your table, Percival nods, "Sorry..."
At your table, Dumbledore says "One more pose and then we'll start :)"
Connor leans over and murmurs to Colleen: "In a fairy tale world where I were trying to be friends with 1000 differen' people with 1000 differen' issues, I'd put up me book."

"And, having been a student myself, albeit several ages ago, I know that you all desire to eat in the quickest manner possible. And we shall move right along. As you all are aware..." The headmaster pauses, face glowing, chuckling ever so slightly. "Our graduating seniors have been struggling with their exams and have now emerged victorious. The professors would like to recognize certain students for their exceptional accomplishments in their respective areas. If your name is called, please come up and take your award." He applauds, moving to sit again, and nodding to the first professor, but pauses for a moment. "Oh, yes...and before I forget, please hold your applause until the end to allow the ceremony to progress smoothly." He does sit this time.

Colleen blinks at Connor, and then settles for cheerfully sticking her tongue out at him before turning back to Dumbledore.
At your table, Valerie says "Svartie, Loxo, O'Hare, Fudged for COMC, Dolph, we'll fudge defense, Bronwen, Sweet, Mahogany, Valerie, Morgana, McGonagall"
Svartrunir stands and comes around to the front of the table, calling out, "Would Miss Diana Holt and Mister Landen O'nally please join me?" As they walk up to the front of the room, Svartrunir speechifies.
Diana looks confused for a moment and stands up to approach the high table. She offers the Professor a rather nervous smile.
But he just sat down! Landen exchanges a look with Diana, although he does regard her just briefly before he stands up, smoothes out his robe, and then strides on down the aisle towards Svartrunir as well.
Irwin cheers! "Yay, Diana!" Nerdliness /does/ pay off!
Dolph smiles at both Diana and Landen as they approach.
William watches on with quiet interest, eyes wide. Hey, he's never graduated before! It's all very exciting.
At your table, McGonagall is so attempted to take off points for Lyllie's attire but...
At your table, Valerie hehs
Michael watches the happenings a bit absently, now.
You say "The study of Ancient Runes is difficult and asks its students to look back in the past, to one of the most Ancient forms of Magical Language. To study Runes is to look back to what we have lost over the eons. Like the study of History, Runes allows us to better understand Magic at its most primitive and powerful." He gestures to Diana to stand to his left and Landen to his right. "We have two prizes for the students who show particular insight and talent. Miss Diana Holt has in addition to serving as my Teaching Assistant has long performed admirably on her written essays and exams, in fact being at the top of her class. For this she has earned, Mimer's Cup, awarded to the student who exhibits the best book knowledge of Runes." A cup materializes in Svartrunir's left hand. He hands it to her and offers a handshake in recognition of her abilities. "May it serve you well, Miss Holt, and my congratulations."
You paged Diana with 'This cup is fashioned out of fine silver and the bowl resembles an artist's rendering of Mimer with his head tilted back, eyes closed. As per the legend, he is only a head and the bowl does not have a neck or stem, his silver hair braided to form two handles. The inside of the cup is warded to reject evil and poison (and indeed the cup will animate long enough to spit out any nefarious liquid a total of three times before the magic wears off.'.
Vivian watches, almost applauding but restraining herself, still looking to the front with curiosity.
That gets a smile from Diana who shakes the professor's hand and accept the cup. She then waits as it would be wrong to return to the table and leave Landen up there alone as they were both called.
Colleen oos softly, admiring.
Lassera has disconnected.
Katherine gasps quietly, watching with rapt attention.
Landen stands at his designated area at Svartrunir's right and looks over to see just what Diana got. Oooo. He wants a cool cup thing too! But he stands up there in a dignified way, looking out at his house table for a bit before glancing to Diana and her prize.
At your table, Dumbledore says "I think we're going to need to figure out a faster way to do this :)"
At your table, Binyamin says "A big summary pose."
Diana smiles again, "Thank you, Professor." She is still studying the cup and it's uniqueness.
Callie has connected.
Callie sits down on a bench at the Ravenclaw table.
Svartrunir then turns to Landen, a faint smile on his lips as he continues to speak. "Mister O'nally has excelled above his classmates in the practical application of Runes, putting what he has learned in class to bindwards and castings. In recognition of his achievements, he has earned Yggdrasil's Branch." The award materializes in Svartrunir's right hand and is passed to Landen, before he offers the lad a handshake in recognition. While not actually from the Tree of Knowledge, this sculpted silver branch is set into a polished plaque of Elder wood. Landen's name is written on the plaque in three different versions of Rune alphabets: Elder Futark, Anglo-saxon, and Ogham. The branch was fashioned by dwarves and is very fine, developing buds, flowers and leaves, and then loosing then with the turn of the year. Currently it is covered in new growth of silvery leaves. "Congratulations, Mister O'Nally. I am proud of you," he glances back at Diana, "Very proud of you both." The old man's eyes are a tad bit watery. Ah well. He shuffles off to sit down.
Xell quietly fangirls!!
Xell crap! Fanboys.
Ew. Xell crap.
Same difference with the hair, dude.. er dudette?
'S purple.
Landen's irritation with Svartrunir dissipates as he's given this prize, and his eyes slightly widen as the silver branch plaque is offered to him. He takes it with an awed expression on his face and shakes Svartrunir's hand gratefully. "Thanks...professor.." he says, although 'thank you' just doesn't seem to say it all. He looks at the elderly man with a fond smile before dipping his head in a respectful nod and stepping back to head back to the Slytherin table.
Kauton awwwws at the sentiment between Landen and Svatrunir. Get a room, man.
Once both the little prized Runes students are back in their spots, O'Hare stiffly and awkwardly rises up from her chair, shuffling around to the front of the High Table where Svartrunir had before been standing. "Mr. Cain Blackroot, if you would please come up now." In her hands she holds a long, narrow box of wood and a bag of blue velvet.
Diana returns to the table and sits down, admiring the cup she has been granted. She glances back up to the high table, smiling once more. She's going to miss Professor Svatrunir greatly. Head of house, yes, but more like second father.
Cain looks up from the Slytherin table, faintly surprised, and lopes on up front.
Colleen wows, awed by the silvery branch thingy. Preeeeety. She also grins at Cain as he wanders to the stage.
"Ah, Astronomy... the study of the stars, of the intricate dance between planets and moons. From time immemorial, Wizards and Witches have turned to the heavens for guidance, to keep time and to predict the flow of the tides of Fate. Not all students can easily work in this field, for it requires a quick mind and keen observational skills. Thus, it is my utmost pleasure to present to you a reproduction of Ptolomey's telescope, ahh... obviously a bit reduced in size. And fifty Galleons, Mr. Blackroot." The elderly lady smiles down in a matronly fashion at Cain Blackroot, extending to him a narrow box of wood. Inside, on a cushion, is a long, slender tube of exquisite bronze casing. It is collapsible, so that it can fit easily like a warm weight in the palm of one's hand, but extended comes to roughly the length of a man's forearm. The lenses are of smooth, polished glass, glinting in the flickering light. Once the telescope is taken, the woman then offers up a small bag of royal blue velvet, and she murmurs in a conspiratorial tone of voice, "Try not to spend all of that on moon pies now, right, Mr. Blackroot?"
Katherine was impressed with the branch and the cup, but she goes a little slack-jawed at the telescope, ooohing quietly as her eyes widen.
Irwin snickers at the Professor's pun.
Vivian wows softly, eyeing the award with a blink. Impressive. Big toys are coool. Her eyes glow and she just nods quietly, ignoring her housemates and their evil comments.
Dolph looks slightly enviously at the telescope, though all in good fun, of course. He smiles, very impressed by this prize for merit.
/I/ want a toy. Kauton leans on her elbow, eyes raising upwards appreciatively at the prizes. Very nice indeed! Go Cain! Whatnot. Ooh, money.
Cain looks gobsmacked, and grins wryly at the professor's comment. "I won't ma'am, and thank you." He struts on back to the Slytherin table, arms full of the /extendable/ telescope and the bag of cash, and thunks back into his seat.
Flint ooohs. That looks... very nice. Suddenly Flint wants one. He begins counting his savings on his fingers. How much do they go for?
And once relieved of her burden - that thing was so heavy to carry - O'Hare smiles and then shuffles back into her seat.
Jaelle ooohs silently at the prizes. That's it. Classes suddenly have become /far/ more interesting if its possible to get such pretty things come graduation...then again, that involves work doesn't it?
Standing, Loxodrome begins, "Will Callie O'Connor please come up?" He pauses briefly before continuing, "Arithmancy is both an art and a science, it is a difficult field to achieve any level of mastery in. That is why I have great pleasure in presenting the Wenlock Award to Ms. O'Connor for her excellence in my classes. Congratulations."
Callie stands up at the Ravenclaw table, grinning at her housemates and pinkening a little. Working her way up front, she beams at Loxodrome and proffers her hand to the professor for a firm handshake. "Thank you, sir."
"I told you the Ravenclaws would be filing up next," Alexial says, grinning as she nudges Vivian with an elbow.
Vivian applauds cheerfully, grinning broadly, even if she does look kind of dumb and isn't quite in line with orders.
Sweet was here the entire time. She's elegantly attirely, actually in academic robes instead of her apron. And she still makes it look like she's Ginger Rogers. With a wand.
Loxodrome hands Callie the award, yeah.
"WHOO, GO CALLIE!!!" Some upstart Ravenclaw yells from the crowd.
Callie looks down at the shiny prize- woohoo!- and heads on back to the Ravenclaw table, ducking her head. As someone breaks the 'hold all applause rule' she makes a 'ssssssh!' gesture.
After that, the substitute and nameless Care of Magical Creatures Professor steps around and down from the high table towards the podium. A round, ruddy man of sorts wearing a blood red robe, he holds a fancy parchment envelope with a name written on the flat side. "Ah, great, fantastic! Dear students, I would like to congratultutltulate one Master William Stretton for his excellent work. This envelope may not look impressive, but, should do wonders in getting you started." He holds it out for the student to take.
William gives his housemates one of those half irritated looks. Rowdy and hungry kids. But being the quiet guy that he is, he says nothing to them and looks up as his name is called. Wait .. his name? Looking halfway terrified, he stands up, nearly stumbles over himself, and then heads up to the CoMC prof with a timid smile. "Thank you, professor," he says in ab arely audible voice as he takes the envelope, face and ears red. He doesn't like the spotlite and hurries back to the table!
Still with that broad smile, the COMC professor retreats to his seat, plopping down onto the cushion and looking to his next colleague.
Kauton sits down on a bench at the Hufflepuff table.
Dolph smiles a warm, genuine smile for the first time this evening, really, as he stands to take the place of the Magical Creatures Prof. "Would Miss Callie O'Connor please return to the stage."
Jaelle ooohs. Two for Callie. Smart cookie that one. hahaha, cookie!
Callie looks mildly surprised and stands up again, heading for the front.
Vivian grins and applauds a bit more for Callie. Rules...are meant to be broken on the last day. Or almost last day.
Dolph beams, raising his booming voice so all can hear. "While I have not had the pleasure of teaching this graduating class for as long as most of my colleagues, I am not isolated in my pride in them. There are some simply spectacular Charms students in this school, and I heartily look forward to many years of explosions, unintended joys, and assorted confusion to come." He grins and looks at Callie. "This year's top Charmer receives Merlin's Mirror." He takes it out of his robes, and it catches the light, sparkling. He holds it up. "This mirror has been charmed to reflect back at the gazer with pleasant memories from her own past. People, happy moments in their lives, favorite pets, that kind of thing. These memories are sharper, clearer than they would be in the mind's eye, owing to the quality of the mirror's enchantment. The wooden frame bears a gilt inscription: 'Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.' This award is present to Miss Callie O'Connor for excellence in Charms-work." He offers it to her, exceptionally proud and pleased.
Flushing under the praise, Callie murmurs, "Thank you, sir. While I regret Professor Concord's departure, it was a pleasure finishing out my studies with you." She shakes Dolph's hand firmly before taking the mirr---oooof! not lightweight! Smiling gamely, she navigates her way back to Ravenclaw's table.

Standing from her seat Morgana clears her throat before beginning, "So many seventh years seemed to excel in the potions lab this year, however there was one student who stood out. So for this year the Alchemist Award goes to Miss Kauton DeKere who has demonstrated an extreme understanding of potions throughout her years at Hogwarts. Shes stepped up to every challenge presented to her and suceeded brilliantly. Miss DeKere, can you please come up here to clain your award?" In her hand she holds a plaque engraved with Kauton's name and such.

Interesting. That's her name isn't it. Not expressing any surprise, glee, or any sort of manifestation of happiness whatsoever, Kauton stands and poses up to where Morgana stands. She accepts the award, inclines her head to the Professor, and shakes her hand before moving back to her table. That was easy, wasn't it?
Shaking Kauton's hand Morgana gives her a bright smile as she hands the award over before stepping back to her seat.

A lithe professor steps from the table, bounding around and jumping off the front. He seems excited, with great energy of sorts and a joyful countenance to match. Scary, even. The man looks out at the students with a bit of a wide-eye look, before beginning in a light Scottish-like accent. "Ah, yes, /students/, I should like to present two awards to students for their excellence in defense against the dark arts. One...Miss DeKere is to be this year's winner of the Andros Award for excellence in the practical application skills." He lifts a crystal statue in the form of a two-headed giant taken from Classical mythology. " for Miss Barlow, the Alberta Toothill Award for excellence in studies." It is a medallion on a red ribbon; the medallion shows a witch in profile.

Irwin cannot hold back any longer and whistles loudly for Vivian! And blushes. And glares at his tablemates, daring them to make noise. Which.. is probably a bad ides.
Alis makes noise! Applauding and cheering, etc.
Callie cranes in her seat and grins over at Irwin. Before hushing Alis, but without much effort in it.
She just sat down! However, at this award, Kauton shows a little more enthusiasm and promptly bounces back up from her seat and skitters towards the stage. Yes! As she steps by the small professor, Kauton takes the ... Er. Interesting statue, looks at it closely, and shakes hands with the little woman. Bounces back down. Bounce. Bounce. Look, she's even hopping.
Vivian blinks and such...kind of vaguely rising and moving towards the front, hands in her robe pockets. She shakes the professor's hand and smiles a bit nervously, taking the medallion and then, after nodding at Kauton, maybe in greeting and congratulations, retreating quickly, hands and prize back in the pocket. Nothing to see here. She blushes a bit at Irwin's whistle, moving on and sitting.
Kauton sticks her tongue out at Vivian. Nyyaagagghhh.
The scary defense professor runs back up to the high table and sits again. Maybe he's too scary to be the prof next year. Probably.
Auden is scared of him. Yep.
Alis is scared of him, too.
Xell is scared of everyone.
Except Landen. Whom he loves and fears.
That's because Xell's a priss.
Dillion refuses to be scared, just to be different. Just ignore the shaking.
Happy fun balls of death Xell. Happy fun balls of death.
And he poisoned your food tonight, so watch it.
Kauton is TALLER than the professor. Preen.
Michael is also scared of everyone. But that's because he *knows* everyone's plotting against him.
Vivian looks over her shoulder and sticks her tongue back out at Kauton, before looking away again.
Meanwhile some poor hungry Gryffindors are in danger of passing out from lack of food. Or boredom.
Did Kauton get something? Because if she did, Alexial is shaking her head and looking disgruntled.
Kauton will get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too.
Irwin glares harder down his table. Dignity, mates. We are losers with bloody DIGNITY! >_<;
This is quickly deteriorating to madness.
The Welsh nurse/Healing Arts teacher stands from her place toward the end of the of the high table. Bronwen smiles as she stands, her sing-song Welsh lilt emphasised as she speaks the speech she has been practicing. "Those gifted with the will to ease suffering and cure illness have been hailed as saints or gods depending on the era. Cliodne, the Irish druidess was famed to have three birds who could sing the suffering soul to sleep, when they awoke they would be cured. She was also a bird animagus, who took great joy in flight and discovered the properties of Moon-dew. The Star is a specially crafted crystal vial in the shape of a pentagram, filled with a glowing liquid that can only be moondew. Precious and difficult to obtain, the dew is said to loose its magics after only minutes, but the crystal vial somehow keeps it preserved, a breath away from extinction, much like the magic of a Healer. The Star has been fitted in silver so that it might be worn as a medal or pendant, and is only three quarters of an inch in diameter. It is my sincere honor to present Cliodne's Star to Miss Vivian Barlow."

Continued next post
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