Making a chicken!!!

Jun 29, 2005 13:04

My dear friend Amy Wood has made it a goal of hers today to be "Making a Chicken." At one of the campfires the other night the music dude sang this song "I'm making a chicken, I'm making a chicken...." while folding a hand towel into a chicken. Amy has now mastered the talent and is quite excited about it. She is really just too funny. Amy also decided that Steven and I have been sleeping too much and made it a personal goal of hers to not let that happen anymore. Now that I am totally awake everyone is sleeping, including Ms. Amy Wood, but she mentioned something about not feeling so swell. I checked her tempature and tucked her in as snug as a bug in a rug. She informed me she had rabies, rolled over and is hopefully now sleeping. Amy also asked me to dedicate one of my journal entries to her so that is what I am doing. She wants the whole thing to be about her! Kind of selfish if you ask me but then again I am the girl who thinks Steven is taking me for granted! :O)
Amy is one hard working batootie! I don't understand how she does it. I work hard but after awhile I just lose energy and want to take a break...Amy does not! I wish I had stamina like her! I have decided that I need to become a picky eater because Amy is a picky eater and umm she is really skinny now. Yesterday we put on the small wetsuits because the boys wore the big ones in the ocean and well mine was not a pretty sight but Amy could wear hers in a fashion show or something because she was looking hot hot hot!
Okay enough about Amy...

Things are getting better. I am just kind of confused about the camp schedule because everything seems so different. I feel like I am missing something but I am not! After this Saturday I will only have 2 weeks left of my classes then I will be home free for the rest of the summer. I am having a bit of a money problem...need to pay rent this weekend but don't so much have any money in my account. I haven't been paid from any of my jobs yet so that is a huge bummer. I need to try and figure something out! Hopefully Amee won't get pissed at me about the whole thing. I am sure she will understand but you never really know when it comes to money. I hate money!
I kind of miss my friends and family which is weird for me because I don't always miss people when I am at camp because I am surrounded by so many of my close friends adn family anyways. I think I have just lived in Corvallis for so long now that I have built some really great friendships. Plus some of my closer friends from this past year are all far away having great adventures too. I just wish I had more time to keep in touch with people. I am trying my hardest though...if you haven't gotten a letter from me in awhile or a letter from me period you should leave me a little message on here to remind me to write or you can write me and that is a sure way that I will write you back!
I love you all...
Allysin, I need your email!

the sim city theme music from marcus doo

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