Aug 12, 2007 00:14
Ahhhh the NEWS concert DVD~!!!!! I can't get over it! I just can't~! It's AMAZING~!! ♥.♥~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERYTHING from the DVD case, to the booklet, to the DVDs themselves, to the documentaries, to the concert, to the member filmed clips, to the juniors, to the costumes and MCs THIS DVD IS FRIGGIN AMAZING~!!
As if I wasn't ALREADY in love with KoyaShige enough already, their ADORABLE DORKINESS decides to just pour and explode out of this DVD like craaazy~!!! That hotel room craziness of theirs? PRICELESS. You have no idea how much I was literally flailing and rolling around and laughing while watching that~! OMG THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY CRAZYYYYYYYYY~~! No wonder they were always my favorite pair in the group~! (and Koyama always my favorite member!) just KYAAAAAAAAA~!!!!
Okayokay so I want to flail and squee over every second of this concert, but I will limit myself to commenting only on the following:
NAKED NEWS IN THE BATHS~! O_O I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first~! I was like... "waitttttttttttttt is that... Ryo-chan?? In a bath?? WITH ONLY A TINY TOWEL IN FRONT OF HIM!?!?!?!?! O_O~!!!!" and thennnnn BAMMMMMM~! Pi was naked next to him (this time however, they are submerged in water and only their shoulders/chests are visible)! And then Koyama is all "iamnakedandfilmingpeopleinthechangingrooooom" and Ryo comes out and alskdjfaslf and Koyama's all "ABUNAI ABUNAI~!" and being smart ( >=[ ) and not showing the lower half of the members and then Ryo THROWSHISTOWELAWAYYYY anddddddddddddddddddddddddddd yeah. My brain STILL can't function at the thought of it all~! O_O~!! *.*~!!!!
Love Addiction: Koyamaaaaa~!!!!♥
Kakao: Girly!Shige. Like... EXTREMELY girly-moves!Shige. And GayCatWalk!Shige. Conclusion: Shige is totally gay. lol xD I think I would actually be surprised if I found out he ISNT gay. Though I don't want him to be D=(it's just no fun being attracted to a gay guy...)
Stars: AHH! I loooooooooove this song~!! And I loooooooooooooove the fact that it is a Tego solo because UGHOMG that VOICE and that MELODY and alskdjfasf*dead*. I did, however, like it better when it was "Pain". The lyrics were so beautiful and touching. But this passes too! As long as that gorgeous melody is there, I guess I'm happy♥
Ryo-chan's kiss to that girl in the audience: Okay was that not THE most adorable thing you have ever seen!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? alskdjflasjdflkasjfd. I dieeeeeeee at the cute. What. The. Hell. Lucky girl. And Ryo-chan's sooo friggin' adorable! His reaction to her scream was hilarious hahaha xD And that little conversation they had? THE DEFINITION OF CUTE! "Can you hear me? I'm right here!!! Okay, if my voice carries over, then my kiss will carry over to you too! Here I goooo~!" alskdjflaksjfdlkajslfkjaslf WHY SO CUTE, RYO!? WHY SO CUUUUTE!?!?!? alskdfjlaskjfdlakjsdfsdf *deadDEADDEADdeaddeadDEAD!!*
Pumpkin: ROFL~!!!♥
Chirarizumu: Awwwwwwww how cuuuuuuuuuuute~! And they actually DO look like reflections in a mirror O_O SO COOL!!!
Snow Express: Okay, I admit it. I cried. This is among my very favoritest favorite NEWS songs ever♥ It is soooooooooooooooooo pretty♥ Sososososoo pretty. This song, "Pain"/"Stars", "Hoshi wo Mezashite" and "Sayaendou" are my all-time favorite NEWS songs *.*
Okay, I think I will live with only commenting about those. Plus I haven't even finished watching the 2nd DVD yet... my mom kicked me off the TV right after "Hoshi wo Mezashite".
This DVD = A+++++++++
And you know what? Here is the reason I try to avoid actually imagining that I'm AT the concert while watching these things: I start freaking out and crying like crazy~! I did it during Snow Express and omg >.< It's just not good for me to ever think about that being reality. I think I would cry myself to death from happiness if I ever actually saw these guys in concert o(>.<)o I'm not even kidding. And then I wouldn't ever believe that it was reality, and just think that it was some amazing 2-hour dream *.*
i will die in a jyannis concert,
never ending wonderful story (it's true!