Today is so fired.

Mar 11, 2011 19:33


* Learned of earthquake+tsunamis this morning and freaked out worrying about friends in Japan - but everyone checked in on Facebook so that's good. Still, awful day over there. ):

* Three major conferences have abstract submission deadlines on Monday. Therefore, everyone started submitting today, and many had PEBKAC-related technical problems. Therefore, I spent 60% of my day on the phone and answering emails of the OMGYOURFORMISBUSTEDITWONTLETMESUBMIT type. I anticipate no less than 150 emails and at least 47 freaked-out voice messages waiting for me on Monday morning.

* I got rear-ended at a freaking roundabout on the way to the chiropractor. The car in front of me stopped, so I stopped, but the car behind me did not stop. Fortunately, the Aluminum Falcon came out with neither a scratch, dent, nor malfunctioning trunk - so that was a relief. We did call the police to fill out paperwork, though, just in case. And the chiropractor stayed a little after, since I got there right at 6pm.

* I'm still sore, which is stupid, because the van obviously didn't hit me that hard, or else there would've been a mark on my car. Don't get me wrong, I am SO glad that the car is OK, but for the love of pete! I've taken a bigger hit getting my foot tangled in the quilt and falling off the sofa. I feel so dumb.
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