Feb 14, 2009 20:40
Well, I've done it again. Yesterday evening, after spending a lovely day helping dear Caitlin paint her new home, Shawn and I went to a lecture on gun rights. It was a very nice lecture, until they called for volunteers from the audience. Shawn volunteered me. It was a simulation for what you would do in event of a gun attack in a classroom if you were unarmed. While the other girls obeyed the "shooter", and all got shot, I threw my chair, and took a backwards step. There were stairs there. I feel about four feet onto a concrete floor, have a badly sprained wrist, a bruised pelvis, a bump on my head and a strained neck. Don't expect to see me online much- sitting hurts like hell. I'm also walking like a geriatric zombie.
But Shawn took me shooting this morning and I shot pretty well for only having use of my left hand and not being able to distribute my weight properly. I got fairly good groupings, even if they were mostly high. And this is going to be a very funny story to tell in the future.