Dec 09, 2007 22:11
Well, let's see. My birthday was pretty good, thanks to Monica. We made a Cheesecake (Raspberry) well, actually she made it, I had to study for the physics exam. Pretty good overall considering. The semester is winding down, It's going to be nice having lots of time to study for exams. As well as projects/papers/collections etc. So, English exam on Monday, Entomology exam Tues (paper and collection due too), RST Paper and response due Wednesday aaand Physics exam Saturday. Should be ok...maybe...I need a C on this final. I should have the time. The orgo exam happened already, no idea what I did on it, because stuff wont be up till tuesday...hope I did ok. Two hard courses that I don't see a need for in my future that I HAVE to pass. Not good. Oh well, next semester will be quite nice.
Let's see, what else. A co-worker that's been there for a while and knows alot is leaving so we had a dinner thing for her at Mandarin Wok. nice food. co-workers were there cept for 2, and the boss. Afterwards we (the staff) got an email from the boss about a white elephant gift exchange dinner thing. I have no idea what teh heck a white elephant gift exchange is. It would be a good opportunity to get closer to teh staff/boss. meh, anyway, I'll be working over break (mo money FTW) and taking care o mom. Hopefully her BP will go up so they can drain more of that darn abdominal fluid. It's verry uncomfortable for her and kinda binds me home (I have to get the stuff like food from downstairs for her). Well, back to reading.
finals instal