Mar 24, 2005 22:53
Aaahh...thank goodness for day-quill and ni-quill. I'm pretty much healthy now, but I've still got a slightly stuffy-nose. -_-;
Easter's this Sunday! Does anyone have any plans? My mom and I aren't doing anything, but still, I can't wait! ^_^ We always makes chocolatey, spring goodies. (We also dye eggs. We've gotten very good at it over the years.) Whoever isn't doing anything is welcome to stop by. We'll have more than enough brownies, cookies...everything.
A Cadbury creme egg for anyone who comes by! (Wow, that kind of sounded like a bribe ^^;;)
One thing I'm not looking forward to...Monday. I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled out! The dentist said they came in really early, and I need them out. Sooo...I am. Wish me luck on that!