MSN: Hikari and Iori

Jun 18, 2007 02:05

Who: Hikari and Iori
What: MSN Messaging
When: Sunday Evening
Where: France, and home
Notes: 8D I made Iori sick too~ I'm just that mean. Don't mind the sleep deprived girl, she's nuts.

After Mimi had fallen asleep, Hikari still lay awake in bed. Her brother's upset post made her feel some guilt had been keeping her awake for a while. She hoped Agumon hadn't eaten the cookies with the note she had left for Taichi... She decided to kill time with the laptop she and Mimi had rented. She signed onto MSN and with the faint glow of the laptop illuminating her face, she smiled at seeing that Iori was still online at that time of night.

hikari says:
Hi Iori kun!

Iori had been researching events for his History report due in a few days time. After gathering as much information as he possibly he could on the subject, he had already started the report. Leaving MSN on. Hearing the faint sound, as his speakers were turned down low, he put his pencil down looking at the screen.

kendo-kid-iori says:
Hello, Hikari-chan!

kendo-kid-iori says:
How was your trip?

hikari says:
Oh it was fine! I think I'm experiencing a little jetlag though. I haven't been on an airplane since...hmm...I think, when I went with Takeru kun to America

hikari says:
And what keeps you up so late tonight?

kendo-kid-iori says:
Maybe you should go to sleep soon?

kendo-kid-iori says:
Oh, just a History Report that I can put of 'till tomorrow..

hikari says:
Hmm well I would, but I couldn't sleep well. I'm still trying to adjust to the different time.

kendo-kid-iori says:
Hopefully you don't get to adjusted when you do. Seeing as you'll be back soon and experiencing more jetlag.

hikari says:
Oh I know -_-;

hikari says:
well i should be over it by tomorrow

hikari says:
so what have you been up to lately?

kendo-kid-iori says:
Trying to fight back a cold ^^

hikari says:
oh no! ahh i know the feeling, iori kun

hikari says:
i knew those extended kendo practices would be stressful on your body

kendo-kid-iori says:
I don't think it's the kendo practice, Hikari-chan. I've always got sick about this time of year.

hikari says:
oh? why at this time, in particular?

kendo-kid-iori says:
I'm unsure really.

kendo-kid-iori says:
The weather possibly?

hikari says:
oh, well i suppose so. do take care of yourself, iori kun

kendo-kid-iori says:
I'll try, I'd rather not have any more prune juice then I already do...

hikari says:
oh you poor thing ^^ your grandpa is probably giving you that stuff more than usual now that you're sick, huh? haha yeah, i recommend orange juice for a cold.

kendo-kid-iori says:
Well no, not yet. I've managed to keep it fairly well hidden- though he is getting suspicious .

hikari says:
oh, you should really let him know that you aren't feeling well so he can help you get better. believe me, i used to hide my sickness from onii-chan all the time and it never lead to anything good

kendo-kid-iori says:
Either way- he'd find out tomorrow. Kendo Practice.

hikari says:
are you sure you're feeling good to go to kendo practice?

hikari says:
maybe you should tell your grandfather beforehand

kendo-kid-iori says:
I should be fine Hikari-chan

hikari says:
well, i suppose if you're sure... try not to push yourself too much though

kendo-kid-iori says:
Don't worry, I wont ^^

kendo-kid-iori says:
Anyways, Hikari-chan, I should go to bed.

kendo-kid-iori says:
Talk to you later?

hikari says:

hikari says:
don't procrastinate on that paper too long, too!

hikari says:
and feel better

kendo-kid-iori says:
I won't, it's due the day after tomorrow

kendo-kid-iori says:
I'll try

hikari says:
you don't call that procrastinating? XD

kendo-kid-iori says:
No, I already did the research.
hikari says:
ah great

hikari says:
okay then, good night

kendo-kid-iori says:

Iori closed the note book he had open, pencil marking the page, and signed off MSN. Soon turning off the monitor.

Hikari closed the laptop as well, climbing back into bed and after a little more contemplating on her guilt for getting Taichi angry and now her worry for Iori's health, went to sleep.
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