Well after a long and stressful time, Thought Fusion website is back and running better than before. We were having a little trouble getting the domain moved... Damn EUKHOST, just so you know they really do suck so if you are looking for web-hosting, go to somewhere like redhive.co.uk or something cause at least they are out to help you, not just take your money and not help you any further, they basically turned off features one by one over the last year, making most of the features of our website a piece of crap.
But now it's back @
http://www.tfusion.net so pop by if you want to... Would be nice to get some more people on it, the site it's self does not really focus on any main theme, it is much more of a personal site meets community. It's a place where you can voice yourself.. Using the Shout Box, the Forums or maybe even write a review about something.
As for other things, life isn't much different, just getting on with it and all, just trying to come up with some sort of project that I can do to entertain myself. But nothing yet... Bah, I just want people to like the site and use it, I suppose that's my interest for the moment, try to get it running well and populair to a degree.
Well that's enough of me repeating myself, just thought I'd post on here.. You know just so it doesn't look like I'm lazy.
Anyhow... I'm off
- Kendjin