to get myself off things, maybe writing about 15 random things about me will help?

Mar 07, 2011 02:36

i am supposed to be working on sorting my students' grades, but halfway through i just lost interest (excuses!). i'd be happy to drag paradox_sekai along. it'd be such a treat to read her own list of randomness about her.

1: i absolutely HATE peanuts, peanut butter, and the smell and taste and texture and color of peanuts and/or peanut butter. horrible, HORRIBLE excuse of a food. if there is one thing i would like to be invented, it'd be a peanut butter exterminator. i have a blueprint of one underneath my bed (don't ask what it's doing there, apparently there are so many junk that i can hide in such a small space).

2: while we are in the subject of hate, i would like to add Qmi to the that list. IT'S THE BIGGEST LIE THERE IS TO EXIST IN FANDOMS. WTF. i can't even begin to elaborate how Zhou Mi is so wrong for Kyuhyun. he's like a pedophile waiting to pounce on little, innocent Kyuhyun (only that Kyu isn't little nor he is innocent, but that's besides the point). and the only pedo around here should be me, and ME alone.

3: cats amuse me to no end, their whiskers, tails, slender bodies, ears, noses, eyes, and meows. they are so adorable, squishable creatures, and when they look at me THAT way they are just begging me to throw them into a pool of COLD water. i love cats with all my heart. i don't mind growing old alone as long as i have a cat as company. hanging out with people will be so overrated when i am 50ish.

4: i am obsessive-compulsive about tall objects falling off the table, counters, or any flat surface that should be a feet higher than the ground. it is NOT a funny habit, and my friends laugh at my need to gather all these tall objects to the center of these flat surfaces and as far away from the edges as possible.

5: i love thrift shops, and 85% of my clothes are thrifted. so that should explain why i dress up like a korean sometimes.

6: i am not a funny person. i am rather corny in real life. and obnoxious. and so quick to anger. P.S. you don't want to mess with me when i am not in the mood (which is like most of the time since i am also anti-social).

7: that being said, i am a very irritable person who can easily bite anyone's head off with very minimal effort. i love to swear, too (you have no idea how fast i can spout obscenities in sticky and otherwise situations).

8: changes in any form and situation are things that are so hard for me to digest. i do not understand why they should happen. i am stupid like that.

9: i hate it when people cling on my arm. i do not like to initiate contact, and most times i do not like it when people are touchy-feely. i have territorial/space issues that annoy people so much. 8D

10: i am in love with commas, and i am very hypersensitive about where they should be in a sentence. NOTE: commas should appear right before FANBOYS. good luck finding out what that line means because i am too lazy to explain.

11: i am sarcastic, too. or maybe even rude. it's so effortless that it's as natural and involuntary as breathing to me.

12: i am a vocal snob, art snob, grammar snob, fanfic snob--A SNOB ABOUT MANY THINGS. but i am not even good in music, art and language, so i can't explain my perfectionist nature.

13: i suck at violin. i own a pretty ginger Cremona violin that's 6 years old (and was named Bruno because friends said it should have a masculine name). i've only practiced with it for less than a year. poor thing.

14: i have a wicked laugh. when i type NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, i sound just like that.

15: i cannot swim. so if you plan to kill me, your best bet would be drowning me. i won't even try to fight it. i'll just let myself sink.

and why do i feel like this isn't too random?

meme time!

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