TORN! and other things that make me squee

Feb 15, 2010 15:40

I missed the actual airing of "Torn" on Saturday. My lovely and wonderful roommate found it on the interwebs for me, since I have no idea how people find things like that. I am worthless, I know. BUT! The episode was made of fangirl squee and cheese and no plot that I could discern. Sir Kahlan* confesses Lady Kahlan* after checking out the goods with an "I'd hit that" face! Cara is made of snark and win! Double sexing! I love, love, love Sir Kahlan scoffing at the foreplay and just getting right down to the business of sex. Apparently, "go for a walk" totes means the same thing to Cara that "watch a movie" means to my roommates.Sir Kahlan lounging on her throne was amazing!

Bridget Regan is amazing in this episode. Sir Kahlan and Lady Kahlan are still both recognizably Kahlan and still so very different from one another. I love Sir Kahlan's little disgusted face when Lady Kahlan starts talking about marriage and babies and loving Cara "like a sister." And Lady Kahlan hiding behind Richard was a nice subtle touch. I can only imagine how pissed Cara was the whole week they were riding IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION with Lady Kahlan and Richard. The only downside to my experience of "Torn" was that my roommates had gone to bed for the evening. I couldn't really lol as much as I wanted to. I'll just have to watch it again. Drat.

In other news, I am way behind the internets and have just found Daily Squee. I'm a little ashamed that I like it so much.

*All references to "Sir Kahlan" and "Lady Kahlan" are completely stolen from pirateygoodness because her picspam was the first I read after watching. I'm imprinted on that now. :P

omg cute, legend of the seeker, oh show

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