Yuletide 2014

Oct 20, 2014 23:15

Wow… so… year two of Yuletide. I had a great deal of fun last year and hope to do so again this year. I got an amazing story last year, so apparently my Dear Author letter was ok. SO… here we go again!

Not much has changed about me, so I’m just gonna copy from last year’s letter. Likes/dislikes, thoughts on the fandoms I requested, etc…

about the maus
First off, I am a polyamorous, bisexual, leather girl in RL with a strong background in Social Work, Sociology, and Criminal Justice. So, i like well written bdsm-leather-D/s relationships but have VERY STRONG feelings that kink MUST be consensual or it's NOT bdsm - it's abuse. I have no problems with characters in relationships with more than one partner AS LONG as everyone knows about the situation and is OKAY with the arrangement. Happy, multipartner relationships are WONDERFUL. Relationships where one partner is forced to choose between two people he/she loves isn't so okay. I also have NO PROBLEM with a character liking both men AND women. It doesn't have to be an Either/Or situation - there is an option for BOTH/Either in my world view.

In relation to that some very important likes/dislikes:
1) I am a Happy Ending Girl - PLEASE don't leave the characters broken, angsting and alone at the end of the fic - especially if the object of their affection goes off with someone else without a backward glance. I want my characters to be if not completely Happy - at least happily Content when the story ends.

2) Do not want Deathfic! - yes, i have read some BEAUTIFUL death fic in my time (my first fandom was Due South when the show was still on the air. AIDS was majorly in the news and a LOT of the early stories dealt with that - so yeah. some stunningly beautiful HEARTBREAKING stuff) - but for Yuletide especially, i'd rather not read a death fic.

3) I'm Cool With Consensual Kink. Pretty much ANY Consensual Kink except vore and scat... and I've got no problem with HEAVY kink.

4) I'm a Slash lover! Fade to black, pwp, full out explicit m/m or f/f love is ALL Good. HOWEVER, I also like Het as well! Heck, all permutations/explicitness ratings of pretty are welcome... and combine the two with multi partner interaction and i'm an ESPECIALLY happy mausy ::grin::

5) SLASH DOES NOT MEAN that a female character involved with one of the guys in cannon MUST BE TURNED INTO A STARK RAVING B**CH! See above comments about Polyamorous and Bisexual nature. I do not feel that One type of relationship must negate the other. If you want to have a male in a cannon het relationship move on to a slash relationship in fic - you don't have to make the cannon female a harridan to do it. There are things such as amicable partings and SHARING!

Okay… off my soapbox and on to the specifics!

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Fandom Specific Stuff
As I said last year… please remember that the "suggestions" below are just that, suggestions. Take and/or discard ideas as needed. YOU are the writer and I know how fickle a Muse can be sometimes. As long as you don't write something that i've noted as being a "no go" (ie death fic, unhappy endings, non-con masquerading as bdsm/consensual kink) than i'll be happy. Promise. I also chose SEVERAL fandom possibilities, so hopefully you’ll find something that tickles your Muse’s fancy.

Presented here in no particular order my fandoms

1. Lord Peter Wimsey - Dorothy L. Sayers
Peter Wimsey
Harriet Vane
Mervyn Bunter

no death fic please, no character bashing. Fan of gen or explicit, slash, het and/or multi partner (have an absolute LOVE of triad with these three).

This is perhaps my all time favorite book series and one of the ones i go back to time and again, Especially "Busman's Honeymoon". Peter Wimsey is the ultimate "gentle soul" with the heart of a tiger and the protective instincts of a mother bear about those he cares for. His courtship and winning of Harriet Vane is a romance that feels so... real and heartfelt. I love it. And I love the relationship between the pair of them both before and after their marriage (Busman's Honeymoon, short story Tall Boys, carried a bit in Jill Patton Walsh’s book taken from Dorothy Sayers' notes). It's one of the most romantic courtships i've ever read.

The inclusion this year of Mervyn Bunter is especially squee worthy for me because I'm also a firm believer in a Peter/Harriet/Bunter poly relationship and/or the possibility of a Peter/Bunter relationship before Harriet. Bunter is so protective of Peter and Peter leans so heavily on Bunter, especially when rattled, that to think of Peter without Bunter seems… odd. The fact that in Busman’s Honeymoon Harriet flat states that she’d NEVER get rid of Bunter and how she’d be lost without him also says, to me anyway, that Harriet understands the importance of Bunter’s place in Peter’s life - and eventually in hers. The pair of them conspire to take care of Peter even more than he works to take care of them… which is why I can very easily see them as a happy triad family. (and one of the reasons why some of the assertions in the Patton Walsh books don’t ring true for me - just my opinion.)

As for ideas/suggestions:
I would love to see some gentle, tender affection between these characters - Harriet/Peter, Peter/Bunter, the three of them in any combination. Something where Harriet and Peter take care of an ailing Bunter (because you know he’d feel awkward about it - but Peter and Harriet would NOT let him go alone - see Harriet taking care of Bunter during the blackout in London in “A Presumption of Death”). Maybe Harriet and/or Bunter soothing Peter during a bout of ‘nerves’ after a particularly upsetting case. Maybe just a "day in the life" of the household, before Harriet, after Harriet joins their “family”, before children, after children, while Harriet's pregnant... or while she been trying to GET pregnant, or while Peter's dealing with his fear of GETTING Harriet pregnant after the birth of their first child. (See Peter's reaction to his first child's birth in "The Haunted Policeman"). Sweet, tender, loving interactions between a very unconventional, but beautifully suited, family.

2. The Mummy Series
Ardeth Bay
Jonathan Carnahan

No death fic or character bashing please. Competent but befuddled Jonathan is a plus as is insecure Jonathan. Gen or slash gladly accepted (but i love the idea of these two together in a relationship). Mild or explicit either one is good.

I enjoy a slightly befuddled Jonathan but NOT one that's written as a complete idiot and ne're do well. One of my favorite scenes between Jon and Ardeth is from the second movie where Jon saves Ardeth by shooting the bad guy coming up behind Ardeth. The look they share afterwards says so much. (Which is why i don't like the novelization because that shot is given to Evie not Jonathan. ::grump::) I see Jonathan as a good man who, when those he loves are at risk, will do anything to save them - but he also knows he's not the "smart" or "pretty" or "together" child (that's Evie) so he hasn't really found where he "fits" in the world - so an insecure Jonathan is also a favorite of mine.

As for ideas/suggestions:
I'd love to see a fic where Ardeth helps Jonathan find his "fit" in the world. Where Ardeth somehow shows Jonathan his strengths, skills, worth, value (beyond money, his connection to Evie and Rick, etc). I'm a sucker for stories where Ardeth "courts" an oblivious Jonathan, or a Jonathan who thinks he's misreading Ardeth's actions because "why would *he* be interested in *me*?" However, a story where Jonathan helps Ardeth adjust to life outside the desert, or cares for an injured Ardeth/nurses an injured/ill Ardeth back to health. Maybe just a piece of one musing on the worth/attractiveness/interest in the other. As long as there's a strong/developing friendship between the two men and Jon isn't written as a COMPLETE airhead, i'll be happy - though slash is always a plus.

3. Hellboy (movies)
John Myers

No death fic or character bashing please. Gen or slash is fine (though I like the thought of the pair together in a relationship), mild or explicit welcome.

I was mildly aware of the Hellboy comic but fell in LOVE with the characters in the movies. While I loved the relationship between Hellboy and Liz established in the second movie - I HATED that Myers was nowhere to be found (and had apparently been sent to the Arctic per Hellboy). I loved the relationship between Myers and Hellboy in the first movie - the affection and protectiveness Myers showed for Hellboy, the faith and trust he maintained even as Hellboy struggled against his demonic nature, and the way Hellboy trusted Myers after all was said and done (even with his jealousy about Liz). I like the visuals of the pair together, the contrasts of skin tone and flesh vs. stone. I love the scarification on Hellboy’s body and the tail… CAN’T forget that tail! ::wicked grin::

As for ideas/suggestions:
Hellboy struggling to convey his feelings to Myers (see how bad he was at it with Liz) while poor Myers tries to figure out what’s going on. A quiet evening between the pair, curled up with the cats watching TV in Hellboy’s room - simple and domestic… or even something more… energetic. Hellboy fretting over John after the “boy scout” got hurt on a mission, again. Hellboy taking care of an injured John (or vice versa) as they wait for backup/extraction. First time admissions and revelations between the two, consummation of a new relationship, reaffirmation of an existing relationship after a scare or a separation. And for the record - explicit tail sex is a lovely plus (I feel like I should blush at that admission… but I just can’t bring myself to! ::grin:: )

4. Ladyhawke (1985)
Etienne Navarre
Isabeau d’Anjou
Philippe (Mouse) Gaston

No death fic or character bashing please. Gen, slash, het or multi-partner all welcome. I like the idea of the three of them or of Philippe being a "bridge" between the two who finds his place with the pair of them once the spell is broken. Mild or Explicit, either is fine.

I have a BIG soft spot for Philippe in this movie. This young thief is caught between the stoic and frightening Navarre and the enticing and untouchable Isabeau. His wit, gift of story spin, and big heart are just completely endearing. And his belief that he doesn’t really have a place that’s “his” just makes you want to cuddle him close and keep him warm/safe. You watch as he works to soothe both Navarre and Isabeau by turns even as he’s uncertain of his place. I could easily see him being a “bridge” between the pair before the spell is broken (I’ve read some really nice pieces written along those lines) and the pair keeping him once the spell is broken.

As for ideas/suggestions:
Views of the journey back to the city from the POV of either Navarre or Isabeau and their thoughts of their young thief. The three of them settling into their new lives after the spell is broken (you know there’s going to be an adjustment period… learning to accept that your other WILL be there as a human when you wake up, relearning how to live within “normal” society, etc). Dealing with nightmares and finding comfort in the arms of someone who cares (could be any of the characters having the nightmares and either before or AFTER the spell is broken). Philippe adjusting to having people who care about him and learning to accept that they want him with them. So many possibilities! And yeah - for me this set just SCREAMS Triad!

5. Thunderheart
Ray Levoi
Walter Crow Horse

No character bashing please. No deathfic of main two (though the deaths that occur in cannon are okay) Would like relationship and/or hurt comfort between these two - gen or slash, mild or explicit, writer's choice.

This movie is the first time i ever saw Graham Greene and i absolutely fell in LOVE - and not just with Mr. Greene as an actor. I love the dynamics between Roy and Walter. Poor Walter waiting his whole life to have the "connection" that Ray has to their heritage. Ray fighting against his past and trying to deny the very connection that Walter wouldn't mind having. The way the two slowly find their way from antagonists to an uneasy partnership to a friendship filled with the amount of TRUST they share by the end of the movie is just STUNNING! Grandfather's comment about them "arguing like old married women" was just TOO telling and priceless. When Ray drives away from the reservation, there just a "feeling" that he'll be back someday, and Walter will be waiting for him. (or maybe that's just me)

As for ideas/suggestions:
I would love to see Walter comforting Ray after the events of the movie, or maybe something where Ray comes back to "see Grandfather" after a time away... while really being there to check in with/catch up with/check on Walter. Maybe even something where Walter is a "touchstone" for Ray while Ray is traveling after the movie trying to come to terms with the events of the movie and his heritage. A slow developing relationship leading to smut would be GREAT. Slow developing friendship with the possibility of more is good too. Hurt/comfort is ALWAYS good too.

6. Jonny Quest
Benton Quest
Race Bannon

No character bashing or death fic please. Slash preferred but not essential, mild or explicit, author's choice. Love Race as a caretaker to the family but Benton taking care of Race is a nice change of pace. Hurt Comfort a plus, or family/domestic times are also good.

While I discovered Jonny Quest as a cartoon, I’ve carried on the love with the comics! The family of heart that these characters have built is just lovely! Dr. Quest cares for his son (and his adopted son) and tries his best, but there are times he’s the stereotypical “focused scientist” - which is where Race comes in. His job is to protect the boys AND make sure Dr. Quest doesn’t forget there’s a world outside of his lab. Race is as much a father to Jonny and Hadji as Benton is, and Benton knows it - and I LOVE that about this series. Race is more than a bodyguard, he’s an active caretaker and you don’t usually see in “tough guy” types in cartoons. He takes care of his charges - but their also shown taking care of him as well, which is lovely too.

As for ideas/suggestions:
I love the idea of Race and Dr Quest together taking care of their boys. First times (because you KNOW Benton is going to be clueless at first) are always fun. Race taking care of a sleepy Benton, Benton taking care of and/or fretting over an injured Race, hurt/comfort or comfortable domesticity - anything would be welcome. A quiet time between the family, the older men watching over the boys, comforting each other as their boys get ready to leave for college for the first time, holidays waiting for the boys to come home, enjoying the quiet after the insanity of a reunion for the holidays, SO many possibilities. The major thing for me with this set is the overarching feel of “family and love”.

OKAY... that's my list and my comments on my requests. Remember, the suggestions are just suggestions and as the writer you should feel free to go where the Muse takes you. Just no death fics, and give me a happy ending. That's all I ask and I cannot WAIT to see what you come up with.

Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings and for being willing to take on my requests.

Pax and happy writing,


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