ah the joys of rat ownership

Sep 07, 2011 17:15

Was playing with the ratness this morning and he decided to go all "cleavage rat" on me. (he does this frequently to both Ma'am and i - ::looks down at built in oversized pillows:: don't know WHY. ::giggle::)

ANYWay. He goes down the bodice of my jumper (this is a US "jumper" = sleeveless one piece dress that buttons in the front and is usually worn over a sleeved shirt, not a UK "jumper" = what we in the us call a sweater) and is playing burrow in the fabric. This is all well and good, he's not hurting anything, hasn't piddled on me, he's just playing "tunnel rat".

So i go back to my reading.

Then i notice my bodice pushing outward, about heart/chest level

- kind of like that chest burster scene in Alien. ::EEP!::

and suddenly this little tan rat nose busts out of my jumper bodice between two of the buttons (you know those gaps between the buttons?), whiskers going like there's no tomorrow!

Needless to say, ratness got REMOVED from said bodice and put in his playpen to romp under his blankets in THERE for a while.

now, i know this may not be funny to anyone but me - but i tell you, even knowing what it had to be - there was that momentary thought of - oh hell, i don't REMEMBER encountering a face hugger recently.

okay. i'm a geek. i know it.

ANYWAY. Hope life is treating you all kindly and that you're finding smiles and good weather like i am.

the kendermouse

silliness, rl sillies, ratness

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