Jan 05, 2008 19:46
Well, I said in my last post that I'd elaborate, so here it is:
Official as of yesterday evening, Sakira & I finally have our first apartment together.
I didn't want to say anything just yet just on the off-chance that something happened and we didn't get it, but the lease has been signed, security deposit has been been paid and its all done. About friggin' time!
Looking forward to the place - its two bedroom, two bath, fairly roomy. It's near the Van Nuys airport, so that may eventually become an annoyance, but its ok for now. Bit apprehensive about all the stuff we need to get for the place, not to mention move it all in. Also going to be an adjustment period trying to reconcile how Sakira and I both do things, but that should hopefully work out without too many problems. So, now I just gotta start figuring out what to keep around here and then get it all moved over to the new place. Simple, right....? *cough*
It's otherwise been a pretty nice month. Wen and Alexis came down to visit so got to hang out with them. That was a fun night. Went over to the Hill Street Cafe, to which I've not been for about 6 years, probably freaked the staff and customers out with all the loud laughter (*coughvikingcentercough*). Also got Elder Evils as a gift on account that Alexis works for Wizards of the Coast (they also pointed out that if I ask, I could probably have a copy of the new 4th Ed. books appear down my way... thanks, guys. You do realize that that's akin to telling a recovering crack junkie that you practically own and operate your own lab, right?)
Saw the whole paternal side of the family for Christmas, that was nice. One of my uncles actually managed somehow to find an old copy of the Return of the Jedi Storybook in an antique shop in Banning. That made my night - I used to own the exact same book when I was five, but my copy eventually fell apart and disintegrated some time ago (last I remember, I was using the remaining pages as a sort of painting guide back when I used to paint Star Wars miniatures). So, yay for childhood memories :) Something new to add to the collection.
Dynraf's brother has been back in town, so we hung out with him a little bit. Had a fun night at Dynraf's new apartment. Also had our last D&D game over there, plenty of room (not to mention, plenty of non-game-ralted insanity). For New Year's we went down to San Diego to spent the eve and most of the next day at our friends' Orangewolf & KCat's new house. It's a nice place, and we wish them well with it. They had quite a few people over that night so we spent the night playing Zombie Fluxx, Munchkin, Apples to Apples, Settlers of Catan, Lunch Money, and Innfighting. Lotta fun. Reminds me - I need to pick up my own copy of Catan, now that I finally have people to play it with. Ssakira and I were given a copy of Ticket To Ride: Europe (last year they gave us the U.S. version), so that should be nice to break out and play when we get the chance.
My grandmother was here for about two weeks, so also have been to see National Treasure 2 and Juno. The first was tolerable (I'm really not a fan of the franchise) but the second was really good. Definitely recommend Juno. Speaking of movies, just caught the new trailer to The Dark Knight... holy crap! I'm really looking forward to it now! Heath Ledger gives me the chills whenever I see him in costume.
Uhm... what else... RPG front didn't see much happen in Azeshouri last session. Very much need to punch up the next session (think I'll start it off with the words, "roll for initiative." That oughta work...) Star Wars Saga Ed. saw the heroes successfully completing Tatooine Manhunt as well as the one-session side mission of raiding an Imperial supply convoy. Last one was quite fun - some creative skin-of-the-teeth actions resulted in some of the heroes managing to hijack a fully loaded heavy transport literally out from under the guns of an Imperial escort frigate in the middle of a raging space battle while the others worked to hold back nearly two full squadrons of TIE fighters.
Aaaand, that's about it. Tomorrow consists of helping Sakira move some stuff over to the new place and then afterwards going to IKEA to try and find some necessary new furniture for the place. Here's hoping my bank account doesn't collapse under the strain of everything. NExt month or so should be rather interesting.