
Jul 08, 2008 20:55

Hokay!  So, I got an email from 
laura47 waaay back when about this cool thing called Firefly, which sounded interesting enough.  So I bought a ticket, and some glow sticks, and even some poi, to make the most of the weekend.  I emailed some alums about borrowing various resources I didn't have (ie transportation) and found myself mostly ready to go at 5:45am the morning of July 4th.

By 7am we (being some alums and another undergrad) had taken off for Vermont; us sans driver slept most of the way.  It was an adventure from the start; the car couldn't back into the crammed parking space without a push from 2 of the passengers and we walked to the opposite end of the camp before realizing our home base was located back where we started.  After a few hours of clearing space, setting up tents, directing other members of our (~25 people) party to our new location, and tutu-making, however, I was well into the swing of things.

All photos courtesy of miss

She has the photography bug!  Some of my favorites:

of course, I was not the only one to get in the tutu spirit

I went pizza pipelining, which mostly involved kneading dough and eating excess toppings.  Yummy.
Then, of course, was ricockulous firespinning

At these shindigs it is common to build at least one large wooden sculpture for burning.  This particular gathering had 2, and here's the first.  How common it is to have changing-color lit aerial silk structures in the background, I don't know.

The second sculpture was spared the first night, and instead enjoyed multicolored-ness:

And what celebration would be complete without dancing 'round a fire?

I went and danced the night away, and found myself the last in my tent to retire.  It was an epic 4th!

The next morning, although I wasn't in the food co-op, I did awaken to good smells and much nomming by my campmates

Then there was hookah and contact-juggling 'round the remnants of the fire.  Little hippie spawn loved the glittery contact juggling balls TR and I brought.

Camp Makeover then got into full swing.

After sufficiently prettyfying ourselves, I briefly considered entering the Miss Firefly competition at laura's encouragement.  Although I can be a ham sometimes, it occured to me almost immediately that I am not a competitive ham.
(notice the 2-story DJ platform in the background.  There were 4 dance installations, it was pretty ridiculous)

so instead, beth strutted her stuff!  She had it going on.

Of course, there were other lovely contestants as well

After Miss Firefly a pillow fight broke out in the main field.  Whether misterioso was involved is beyond my knowledge.

And although I didn't burn at firefly (performance anxiety, plus I burned as soon as I got home), I did finally differentiate 3-beat weave from corkscrew in my brain

In the evening, there was a stupendous aerial silks show

and, of course, more burning, along with the bug, and some spectacular overhead fireworks!  I was actually pretty frightened during the fireworks, they violated about a billion reasonable safety codes, but the next day I found out the guy in charge was the tEp alumn who did the Boston barge fireworks back in the day, so I felt less bad : D

Gregory doing his thang

And then of course, there was dancing, dancing, and more dancing.  I was dancing til the sun came up, and even got compliments on my appearance, glow accessories, and dancing abilities!  I hung out with Magrogan for much of the night, which proved wonderful.  At sunrise, I changed from the glow-fairy to the beer-fairy, which was quite possibly the most satisfying part of the trip.

For your entertainment, the disco party at Sustainable Sound, the only bicycle-powered dance party I've ever been to.  Hopefully not the last.  They had a great setup with split lasers reflecting off the leaves above, it looked like a million dancing fireflies.

And for nostalgia purposes, the glass fairy was very generous and gave me a new friend, which I need to name at some point.

Go to Firefly!!!!
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