:07 | Accidental Voice / Action

Mar 25, 2009 20:57

[ooc; re-posted, so that it makes sense after this thread~]

[Genis is in the kitchen, making soup for the sick big sister. His journal is lying open on the counter; if anyone's listening, they'd hear some upbeat music and on Genis' part, confused protests. He has a can opener in one hand, a can of tomato sauce (still sealed) in front of him, and-]

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fail!cooking - how is this possible, send help, cooking mama'd, !event, what to do?, what's going on?

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[Action] wise_maiden March 27 2009, 02:50:06 UTC
[Raine will be in her room for whenever he finishes making that soup. Hopefully sleeping.]


[Action] kendama_pro March 29 2009, 04:19:57 UTC
[It's a long, long while before he peeks in to see if she's awake. He's got a bowl of soup, again, though he seems hesitant to bring it in.]


[Action] wise_maiden March 29 2009, 06:37:32 UTC
[She seems to be sleeping, though probably not well, judging from how her position shifts ever so often with a soft moan. That floating bar over her head at least seems to be a bit more full that usual, probably because she's "resting".]


[Action] kendama_pro March 29 2009, 17:51:39 UTC
[Well, he steps inside anyway. He's fairly quiet, since he can't seem to tell if she's asleep, and wouldn't want to wake her up.

He walks over to the bedside table and sets the bowl of soup down.]


[Action] wise_maiden March 29 2009, 17:59:43 UTC
[She shifts a little again, curling up and shivering. Probably because her blanket is down at the far end of the bed, where she kicked it off after feeling too warm earlier.]


[Action] kendama_pro March 29 2009, 18:05:14 UTC
[That won't do.

He takes the liberty of carefully pulling the blanket over her. Shivering can't be good; maybe he should go and grab that bottle of medicine again, or get Albert's tea...]

Huh, what to do...


[Action] wise_maiden March 29 2009, 18:18:27 UTC
[She seems to be dreaming. She begins murmuring a little once the blanket is put around her]

... not again... l-let him go...


[Action] kendama_pro March 30 2009, 01:38:24 UTC
[What. Is she having nightmares? He nudges her gently, hoping to wake her up. Is it working?]

Raine? Hey Raine, wake up.


[Action] wise_maiden March 30 2009, 01:41:53 UTC
... y-you can't take him again. Don't--

[She's still sleeping. Try a little harder.]


Re: [Action] kendama_pro March 30 2009, 05:06:08 UTC
[He shakes her shoulders a little bit harder]

Raine, wake up! Ah-- I'm right here.


[Action] wise_maiden March 30 2009, 12:03:14 UTC
[The murmuring stops, and after a moment, her eyelashes flutter, still a bit out of it.]

... ah... Genis...? You're...


[Action] kendama_pro March 30 2009, 14:34:19 UTC
Hey. Yeah, I'm here. Sounded like you had a nightmare there...


[Action] wise_maiden March 30 2009, 14:47:35 UTC
[She rubs at her eyes, trying to become more alert] A -- what...? Oh. It was just --

It was nothing. I'm fine.


[Action] kendama_pro March 30 2009, 14:55:20 UTC
[He sits on the edge of her bed.] Right. Sure you are.


[Action] wise_maiden March 30 2009, 15:04:22 UTC
[She succeeds in pulling herself to a half-seated position.]


... I said, I'm fine! So don't worry about it.


[Action] kendama_pro March 30 2009, 15:08:23 UTC
O-okay, fine! You don't have to get so worked up over it.

... Anyway. I made you something to eat. It took awhile, but- Uh. I hope it's good.


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