Here is my first true update

Feb 08, 2006 03:30

So, it's been a while. About 8 months since my first real update, so I'll change it up a little and just tangent. School sucks, I don't know if i'm still in my English and Math class. For those of you who don't know, the entire month of Jan. my parents were fighting, and I heard the word divorce way too much. I ran away from it. I ran out of the house, I ran to the internet, just away from all the tension. It wasn't until I said something, that finally they are back together, sleeping in the same bed. It was a week from monday. Superbowl sucked, lost $50, not really that much of a good game, but I drank nearly 5 liters of beer. Yeah, and I was completely sober to drive home, weird. No live interest right now, I spent a little here and there over the last few months on a few people, but nothing to show for it. For those who don't know, November I tore my meniscus playing Laser Quest, and it was a level 1 tear, so no surgery... yet. I'm staying off of it as much as possible, basically only playing Laser Quest. So now I've torn my Meniscus, and sprained my MCL and ACL on my knee. I'll probably need a new knee by 25. Work is going alright. I was about to work for Platinum Communications on 19 and John R., but that started when I was running away, so I didn't go to work at all. Sometime next week I plan on calling the owner and apologizing for my SELFISH actions. Which the entire thing was... selfish. I kept everything to myself, and finally, when I let it all out, good things happened, and i couldn't be happier. I joined CAL (cyberathelete amateur league) for Counterstrike Source, and we're 2-1. Not a bad start for the first time. I suck ass at the game. If you don't know my screen name, it's KenCoTwelve. Other than that, that's about it. STill working at Laser Quest, still quoting Dane Cook and Anchorman 1000 times a day. Feel free to message me.
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