More than a few people person have been getting ticked off at King Charles at work lately. Yesterday Biker Chick told me that, among other things, that he just smells rank! Apparently this is quite a ways beyond "funky," and not the good kind of funky, either.
Boss-man doesn't need the drama, given the major switch-over the the voice-activated wazoo next month, but there you have it... Wended through the bare fence posts on my break, as it'll be one of the last times I'll be able to do that. One of the benefits of this job is that the scenery (on the edge of the Great Basin Desert) is quietly spectacular. It kind of looks like this: My LDL is still too high, so I'm taking Lovastatin now. I've cut cotto salami from my diet. Between diet, medication and exercise, we'll beat the numbers down! Not only do we have a baseline to work from, we have met the enemy, and he is us. Unfortunately for the new regimine my new bicycle got its first flat today and desanguinated Green Goo from its valve. Fortunately for the new regimine, I had some hummus falafel and green tea at Shangri-La on Federal Way, my first visit there and the first of many.
On a long-standing whim (I have a whimsey of iron) I bought a Swiss Army watch from a pawn shop. I now own six watches, one for every occasion. It's my first watch with a steel band; I like its heft. I adjusted the band with my Wegner Swiss Army knife on the stairs in the sunlight of the late afternoon, had a couple of beers and began reading Stephen Baxter's apropos science fiction novel Manifold Time.
The new and unusual H1N1 strain is worrisome; I've been working on its Wikipedia article. From what I can gather, it doesn't have to be that virulent to be Bad News. A small percentage of a very large number is a large number, and Mexico City's population density being what it is, I think that this story shall be with us for weeks to come.
Fascinating watching the article morph!
At my first edit: The article as of this writing: