
Nov 04, 2017 19:22

I'm sorry I've been absent. Work is killing me, horse is lame and vet bills are expensive, and for various other reasons my brain isn't at it's best. I miss you all, and I didn't intend to be absent for so long-- I'll try to do better.


What I'm really here today to say is this: GET YOUR FLU SHOT.

I know vaccines are a hot-button topic for people. I know not all people can tolerate vaccines for various reasons. I don't want to pick a fight with anyone. But if you are a person who understands that vaccines can be really helpful but haven't gotten it yet because you haven't had time, MAKE TIME. If you haven't gotten it yet because jabs make you anxious, SUCK IT UP. If you haven't gotten it yet because you're un- or under-insured, LET ME KNOW and I will do my best to help you find a way to get a low-cost or free shot. If you haven't gotten it yet because you haven't had the flu in years and you're sure you won't get it this year, STOP PLAYING ROULETTE WITH YOUR HEALTH. If you've had the flu before and it wasn't that bad, you got over it, remember that other people have compromised immune system and you have a moral obligation to KEEP THEM SAFE.

I lost a dear, dear friend yesterday to the fucking flu. He was 46 years old.
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