Just For Starters

Jun 27, 2003 00:38

Okay. Where to start?

Runes have always been the facet of Asatru that have... worked best for me. Not that I know for certain that they're even technically a part of the practice; all I have is one lapsed and unpredictable former teacher and a handful of contradictory books. But I connect with them, and they have meaning for me, so I guess that counts for something. And in an area like paganism, full of mix-and-match belief systems, I suppose I can work with what feels right, at least to start with.

So. Time to go back to basics. I'll be using this as a rune diary, something that has worked for me in the past. The theory is to draw a rune each morning, to focus on through the day. To open up my mind to what may happen, to communicate with.... whoever up there wants to communicate with me, to study and learn and put my mind in a framework to move further on in my practices. I'm not quite sure what I expect, or where to go from here, but that's probably a good thing. I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out when I'm ready....
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