Feb 07, 2008 02:02
Mr. Terone sat in the waiting room at St. Dukes Hospital in tense contemplation. The cleanliness of the whole place wasn't very comforting at the time either. Just as he thought his patience had come to an end, the doctor came through the white door.
"I'm sorry but he can never recover." said the doctor coldly.
"Never?" exclaimed Mr. Terone amazed.
"Yes it appears Mr. Rilme is permanently undiagnosable. He seems completely fine but the problem is, he can't even be diagnosed as fine, it simply can not be done!"
"What do you mean?" said Mr. Terone a bit calmed down.
"I've been in there fourteen hours what do you think I was doing?"
"I assumed he was in pretty bad shape, like the operation had taken some twists and turns ya know?"
"No I never operate for over an hour. I pride myself in my diagnoses abilities, I've known to have the fastest diagnoses in town."
"Ok so what did you do in there?" said Mr. Terone.
"Well I ran alot of tests and he just didn't really work too well on the diseases I hoped he had."
"So wait, he's in perfect health?"
"Nah, he's kinda fat." said the doctor.
"Alright, good bye."
Hi I'm Roger Claren and I play Mr. Terone on the TBS hit, Dad Faculty. It's a show about a high school faculty who are all middle aged dads trying to maintain their friendships over their job and marriage. Only theres one catch, they all work together! But I want to talk seriously, the episode about Mr. Rilme becoming permanently undiagnosable is a touchy one. We talked it over in the studio more than a few times let me tell you. Yet, I stand by this episode because I do not support intolerance to permanent non-diagnoses disease or PNDD. You know, we all crack jokes but the heart of this episode supports people who can not be diagnosed, even if we all think they already have been or even make our own diagnoses for them day to day. Now I know when you flip on TBS and expect to see a bunch of dads just haning out, teachin' and solving light-hearted problems it can be a little shocking to see that we have taken a stance on something. And I, Roger Claren am here to tell you today that I've taken a stance on something, a stance to tolerate PNDD even if I believe that my friend should be taking medication. So before you take a stance on someones health, take a stance on PNDD! I'm Roger Claren with a message from Witch Doctors Community of Riverside Park.
"Hi hows it goin?"
"Well to be honest, I feel a tad ill." said the responder.
"Oh yeah well you should check out these dope witch doctors I know in Riverside Park!"
"Woah that sounds rad"
At Witch Doctors Community of Riverside Park you are not serviced by just one witch doctor but an entire community of witch doctors of your choosing. Even if your not sick these witch doctors do the trick! Listen to these testimonials.
"I went to Witch Doctors Community of Riverside Park and I've realized these are treatments standard doctors refuse to do. But you know what though, these treatments work. Within ten minutes all of my symtoms were gone and on top of that, all of my problems were gone." -John Stafford Dallas TX
"I felt like my spiritual energy was off-center and they totally recentered it!"-Stacy Luford Carbondale IL
"I was feeling symtoms of boredom and a vague feeling of excess money, and when I left my symtoms were completely gone, vanished. This is a staff of doctors your not going to find anywhere but Riverside Park, you should probably just move here." Rich Lumack Riverside Park VA
Well there you have it, witch doctors are superior to standard, old fashioned doctors. Especially the Witch Doctors Community of Riverside Park in Virginia, if you need a doctor make it a witch doctor and preferably one from the Witch Doctors Community of Riverside Park in Virginia, America.
When your choosing which standard doctor to choose, shouldn't you really be choosing which witch doctor to choose?
in a community?