-Love has a nasty habit of dissapearing overnight

Sep 30, 2005 07:37

I survived my first college adderal experience and am still wide awake after doing a paper for over eight hours without taking a single break.

I've come to a conclusion about the activity of thoughts. It's kind of like distance running where you have to build your endurance. Every time I write a paper, I cannot stop thinking of new ideas once I am done. I honestly believe that it's like exercise and my endurance for constant internal debate is almost non-stop somedays. I'm getting the feeling that an extreme lack of thought-provoking conversations at NIU is causing me to have these debates with myself but it hasn't hurt my writing.

Friends get opinions and attitudes.
Enemies have faces and attitudes.
Acquaintances have no opinions or attitudes but have faces and names.

Should we really feel like we are surviving through day-to-day things?
I want to feel normal. But if I ever did, I would be ashamed.

I want to make something, to show my love. But then again, I only believe ghosts and not in people.
I'll go get some ghost flowers and write "I love you ghostily!" on a slip of yellow parchment, which is the most common form of communication used by ghosts.
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